Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-62662534

Image will be in winter mode, for two reasons :
-The first, use of snow allow me to play on the contrast of the picture. Trees and building will be dark, and the white ground with snow, thus brighter.
-Secondly, to justify leafless trees therefore lighten image with transparency.

My image will mainly work on light, I will add some detail.

I hope you like my picture.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16270742

So I decided to play the cubic building against some curved and natural lines and ended up with a waterfront scenario.
The mood should be calm and quiet underlinig the simple solid shape of the building. Maybe a misty morning with some sunlight. I added some references for lighting but haven’t decided on the final lighting yet.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-21417289

I did not like the way the snow was on the front tree so I decided to remodel it. I used a basic trick: selected the top faces of the tree (ignoring backfaces)/detached it/shell/noise, to create a better fitting snow.I also added more trees in the background with ForestPack.

I also modeled some snow accumulation on the windows and steps. More ppl were added and the chosen expostion is now happening inside the museum. I decided to use 3D people instead of adding the usual 2D cutout on photoshop because since light is a very important part of my concept, and I wanted the light on them to be just right.

I finished with my materials. The wood is now more dynamic and I added vrayFlakesMtl to put some shine to the snow. The image is now ready for a final render and to start post production.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-17821908

I rushed the modeling of the architecture to give myself some extra time to model the surroundings, which will be covered in the next update.

To begin modeling I helped myself with the blueprints provided. I created some planes and asigned the textures on them then I reescalated and placed them so they made up the volumetry of the building. This really helps me visualize shapes form an early stage.

Once I had the basic shapes, I started refining them. For the museum facade, I used two elevation photos and used them to build the facade pattern.

Something that took me extra time was figuring out the different height levels between the restaurant and the museum. Also the lack of information of the kitchen facade added some difficulty to get the right proportions there for windows.

Not much more to say. Second stage of modeling should be ready for Thursday. See you around guys and keep up the good work! 😉

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-90217759

After few days I came back to project and decided to change camera view a bit. I want to create winter day without snow with blue sky, maybee with litle morning fog on the ground. I added foliage to scene – shrubs for green fence above stone wall, birch trees (without leaves ofcourse, winter is coming) and grass. Then I added some details to interior and started create materials.