Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-11033593

The big challenge was to value the building without taking the focus of it, so I tried to make a park with a path that comes only to the building, as if it were the backyard of the museum.
Inspired by images of squares and park I developed a sketch where large trees surround a path that lead the public to the museum.
For the ambiance I insert trees, benches and light poles around the way, I intend to show a dark climate, but with enough life along the way.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

I had more time than usual this weekend, so I’ve decided to create more images for this project.
This is one of them, snow scene. Foreground and background is a mix of mate painting and 3d elements. The scene is pretty simple but I think it’s realistic and effective.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-89122375

Every project starts with search of references. You try to find images that can deliver your mood and vision of the future scene in a most expressive way. As the main character of our story is a museum of art and the weather outside dectates the mood, it was decided to create a peaceful, contemplative atmosphere.
Art is a mirror of life that contains the truth and helps you to find answers. I want to create a place for such searchers.

At first I was trying to understand the structurure of the building. What are the functions of all parts of the museum and which side atracts me most.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-88009178

The point of view for this challenge is to give the subject more on focus which signifies the importance to its simple geometric forms together with the environment and the second challenge for me here is to enhance the landscape based from the actual condition of the site that this will include the preservation of the site layout. The value of each existing features is the main keys to achieve compelling look. All I wanted is to express the natural feeling of the environment since these are the cores to support the subject.
My ideal interpretation for my composition is to consider the balance of nature and the subject. In photography, wide angle lenses is preferably or the best to create wide shot of the environment and considering leading lines towards the subject followed by tweaking light correctly. Fair sky and daylight is my choice for lighting because, it could give energy of the environment such the foliage, grass and trees. In short, I wanted to create a wide space to emphasize the importance of the environment.
My goal for this project is to give a simple, practical yet realistic look of the scene.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-17841989

Below are some of the WIP concepts exploring the lighting and possible compositions.

The Sun’s position and the way the light interacts with the tree line is vital for the mood I’m am trying to create. Some simple considerations, like reducing the number of leaves in the trees, and focusing on the translucency of the leaf material help create the interesting shadows on the ground and sun shafts.

I am still undecided whether I will incorporate water in the foreground. This will require a wider crop and as a result the museum becomes less of a focus, therefore I will probably try two approaches and then make a decision on which is visually stronger.

Final concept to follow….