Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by Denis Khotin

So I post the final images one of the last. 1 hour before the end of the contest, I still render an image of one of the interiors. But I’m sure I will have time!

I looked at the work of all participants. A lot of interesting work! I am glad that I take part and can compare my work. I especially liked the work of two participants.

As for my work:
I did everything for the first time in corona render. Before that, I did not have to work with her. Using vray I think I could do everything faster. But I am glad that by participating in the competition I received additional experience.

I was lucky, I had a clear picture of this project. I knew exactly what I needed to do. So I think I did it pretty quickly.

My great critic is my wife Yana. I thank her very much for her patience and good advice. She’s great!

I am glad that I found time for this project. Of course I had to lose sleep for some time)))

Thank you so much for the opportunity! Good luck to all!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by alejandrogrv

Finding the right spot for the camera was probably the hardest part of this image. It was only because of the brilliant job done by many people that just take pictures while they walk around or because they want to promote themselves on the web or whatever other reason and of course because of google maps that I was able to explore the surrounding streets. I found a small jewlery store accross the street that had a tiny virtual tour and just when I was about to exit the store, I ran into an interesting image. I decided to use this image as my starting point, but as this image was not intended to recreate reality as is but to compose upon an idea, the image started to change rapidly as I progressed. Layering and framing through reflections, showing architecture trhough a mirror was my sole goal. Post production was merely toning the image to look what I wanted.