Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-59571662

The renders setting is the moment when a warm evening breeze picks up fragrant pink tree blossoms, carrying them higher into the sky, and them gently layering on the pavement. A little boy in awe tries to catch the little pink flowers.

Process (3DS Max, Vray, Photoshop):

At first I build a general massing model.
Then, rendered in clay material and chose HDRI map.
After that rendered with basic materials on and printed and sketched over.
After that picked camera proportions. At first I set it up as the landscape image but after some tests decided that I like portrait better.

After that started to add Forest Pack greenery and added particle system.

At the very end tuned materials and minor mood lighting.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-13085130

so at this point i modeled the building and some of the old building, the panel material was again made with corona multi mat as where the windows. building was no trouble to model by aligning the plans for archdaily. from the previous update to this stage it was kinda hard to get time to work on the scene, but it is almost complete.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-13085130

worked on some very optimized trees with corona multi texture parameter for some more variation on color. Worked in separate scenes to lighten the load a bit and work cleanly and fast with the interactive view. at this point i also adjusted the ground material witch is composed 3 to 4 materials that are distributed by a corona distance with some splines and objects.

This was also done for the leaves distribution and the river stones distribution as well as grass and other scatter items all made with corona scatter.