Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-17150373

I chose this camera angle because I want the artwork (door) to be the focal point of the image, besides, I want to show as much details as possible.
I did all the modelling in 3ds max using the drawings found in archdaily as reference. I am only modelling the elements that will be shown in this viewpoint.
I am using a Vray LIght Dome with an HDRI for the environmental lighting, the interior lights are Vray Lights as well.
Now is time to work on textures and materials, I am attaching some of the shaders I have so far.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-89122375

I suddenly found stunning night time photos taken inside of museum and really liked how those huge floodlights look and how mysterious looks everything around, in a faint haze. The site could become a film set for shooting one movie’s episode. Nor sure if it helps to underline the architecture but I’ll take a try. Probably yesterday’s Oscars ceremony got into my mind.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-15974843

First I finding the inspiration form internet
after that I create 3d models,setting camera(for layout)
and prepare tree,grass,flowers,
The hardest thing about a topic is look natural,
so I decided to do a scene feel a peaceful garden in the morning,
volumelight through the trees,
sound of water from a river

Finally, it has to be this image