Crowded Challenge entry by Zakaria Ahmed Fouatih

Anima is an amazing tool for populating 3d scenes , this is a very interesting challenge we thank the forum and the sponsors for the opportunity , the very first place that came to my mind after reading the challenge breif was the famous Times square in New York city , the beautiful scenery of the surrounding high stand buildings , the animated adds and mainly the constant flow of the crowd , a perfect place for this challenge .

Crowded Challenge entry by oligophant

I want to create on an existing place, my vision of how it should be life city in a historic context.
Modern city builded on historic landmarks should coexist with the intricated forms, ways and life styles of citizens. Transport, economics, folklore and wheather are the very unique charactericts that bring a place its particularity that defines and separate from others.
Those are the key things that i want to show you on my images.

Crowded Challenge entry by Ronen Bekerman

This is an example entry really, taking advantage of this miniCHALLENGE to revisit an old project. This is now called The RING, and I’ll explore possible views and how to make it alive with people!

Not sure if to go for the views from outside the ring or inside of it. There is a very beautiful courtyard scenario inside that could be the best one to explore.