Crowded Challenge entry by Jorge Claros

Bogota has over 8m habitants, so you can imagine how difficult it becomes to arrive any place when every single person is trying to do the same thing at the same time.

The intention with this project was to recreate this feeling of hurry and awkwardness making it even better, because it gets even harder when its raining.

In the same way the recreation of the materials was challenging, because them were wet. Also choosing the right place was crucial, so I decided to locate the scene in Bogota’s downtown “centro international” (international center), because there meet different cultures, taking place a great variety of activities.

Crowded Challenge entry by oligophant

Its been a long journey since i want to recreate this scene, but happily im able to make it. Its a great opportunity to show my skills and to test this great plugin; Anima from Axyz, easy to understand and implement in my current workflow.
thanks in advance to let me show a bit of my personal work and express my ideas throw this image.

Crowded Challenge entry by Mustafa Husainy

Hope I’m in time.
This was an excellent competition. Though animas view port was not so friendly, the use of the product is excellent! I mean such quick crowd generation?! and such light models with good textures. I would like to see more texture control and quality for closer shots. But superb experience with Anima!
All the best!
Mustafa Husainy.

Crowded Challenge entry by

I could finish my basc concept, what came from my daily routine. After finished the work at the office go to home. The city is full of people from work and so on. After a long hot day at the office, the rain refresh the early evening.
In the picture I made, I tried to catch the moment, when you get of the tram, and realize the surroundings,the rain starts, other people also get of and you can smell the freash air and the rain in the city.

Crowded Challenge entry by Adam Pietrzak

During the work process I’ve tried to explore Anima library looking for characters which could populate my scene. As there is plenty of ways people can spend their time in a city square I tried to pick models with some characteristic features – to simulate lively environement in a compeling way. The idea of work was to pick from crowd interesting model and portrait it, with all surrounding of a city. The important role plays also the light – sun that painting shadows on surfaces and models.