The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Tony Hin Chun Lai

This progress update focuses on nailing down a direction for the form. The purpose of doing this is to explore a form that is futuristic but yet doesn’t give the impression of a Sci-fi building in year 3100 AD. To do so, I have created 12 different forms with different degrees of variations, and they can be roughly divided into 4 categories: The Far Future Sci-Fi Type, The Sculpture type, and the Hybrid type.

– The Far-Future-Sci-Fi type is the ones that you would typically see in movies such as Star Trek or The Martian. I have created 8 Sci-Fi types that I know I won’t be using in the end. The reason why I spent the time in creating them is because, to know what is feasible for a design, we must first know the boundary; And to determine the boundary, we must push the design far enough in the first place.

– The Sculpture type are forms that are driven by symbolic reasons or an architectural style such as Zaha Hadid.

– The Hybrid type are forms that are inspired from the sculpture type, but added a slight treatment to the material to give a futuristic look that is completely within the reach of 2020.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Daryl Tebug

So I have been working on this image for a while now. I decided to post the previous ones as I forgot to post about progress but now that I am at this point, I thought I might as well post this one which I have spent a good amount of time on now – with a some elements still to be added.
Anyway, my idea is way more visual in this version as I have the green corridor bridge which connects the 3 Buildings just above the train terminal which shows how transport could be accessed easily to all parts of the city, as well as greenhouses which emphasises on the idea of self sufficiency amid busy city life and a feeling of being close to nature which is what my ideal vision of the future would comprise of.

The story will further be clarified as I start to think about the next two images to help with the narration.

Thanks for watching.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by flow

Hi everybody,
here’s a first composition study for one of the image I would like to submit. The base image (shown below as grayscale conceptual mass) has a squared composition and it is based on these main contrasts:
– light/dark: the upper part is the new city so it has to be lighted and full of life. Meanwhile the lower part has already been taken by Nature so it will be darker
– chaos/calm: the upper part of the image shiuld represent the speed of humans’ life (sloping lines) while the bottom has to represent the calm of the Nature (horizontal lines).
– hourglass: the concept of the project is based on “time”. Humans must quickly readapt their cities in a race against time. The shape of the Vessel and the wake of the boat on the water design a hourglass.
hope you enjoyed


The challenge of Tomorrow entry by 3dNinja

I began this project by prepping the massing file that was provided. There were many adjustments I needed to make to the file, just so I could streamline my workflow.
I knew when I saw that the project was going to be a neighborhood in NYC that this was going to be a big undertaking, so I needed to get things set up so I could work as quickly as possible. I decided that I would mainly be focusing on the west section of the neighborhood. This would allow me to use pre-existing building assets for the blocks surrounding the Hudson Yard development, and it will save me some time because I won’t need to model the east side to full detail. I’m also feeling out some possible camera angles so I don’t waste time setting up blocks that aren’t likely to be seen. It also gives me the opportunity to really get creative with the design for the neighborhood that is yet to be built. I’m really excited about getting to get imaginative with the buildings because I’ve never really designed large scale buildings from scratch like this! It is also becoming clear to me at this point that this is going to be an absolutely massive undertaking, so I’m pretty pumped to be challenging myself so hard for this!

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Stefan Dimitrov

I am Stefan Dimitrov and I am an architect from Elena, Bulgaria. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this interesting contest!

I have been living for several years in one of the biggest cities in the country, where concrete was the dominant element of the environment. Now I came back to Elena, a town embraced by the mountain. This inspired me to use the greenery as my leading element in my concept project. I can make the difference between living in an environment full only of concrete and in greener one.

I will aim to create architecture dedicated to the people. Improving the site environment is my main purpose. Leaving a well developed heritage for the future generations will be the signification of this project.

I will try to develop detailed visualizations that can illustrate the following points:

– The mandatory aspects of every Big City with all of it’s Urban Elements – Dynamics, Population, Movement, Concrete, Glass, Residential and Commercial parts;

– Also the Breathing Green, that is needed for well-being environment for the people.

– “Meliora” will try to illustrate the symbiosis between the City and the Nature, this is my future vision for the future development.

Thank you.