Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-10125827

After a few days of trial and error I finally could fix my sight, I chose to show the dialogue and the relationship between the historical environment and the new building through a camera placed on the north street of the institute, is one of the rare angles of view that presents the two new and historical contexts with more or less the same size, and moreover in a way that will allow me to focus on
the materials.
the second step was to think on the animation of my scene, being an architect by training I remember the highlights of my years of study and I particularly remember school when we work with my friends overnight to finish a job in time , so I choose an evening atmosphere for my scenne what This will help to work the interior lighting of the building, trying to show the atmosphere of a overnight work in an architecture school.
the next step will be to work the materials based on reference images and to test to be as faithful as possible to reality, the only thing that I choose to reinterpret will be the street separating the two historical and new contexts and which is a strong element of my composition trying to mark the transition between the two architectures through the materials of the ground.
Finally I would try to give a certain atmosphere to my scene, an atmosphere that reminds me of the night walks in the alleys of the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona or in the historic streets of Florence.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-99163046

Since I want to keep the surrounding environment like the existing one, I started to create the various shaders based on the reference photo.

The materials are very basic: composite map with different texture for the diffuse + relf. color texture + gloss texture + displacement.

The important thing is to get a good base quickly and then work in postproduction.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-11899531

First step is setting base colours of the materials, and boxes representing people to get better understanding of outcoming result. I realy didn’t like how the building looks with straight verticals so i decided to set camera near ground, with target pointing in the sky. Going to do day rendering because i think it the best variant of representing school.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-28124750

After some hours spent looking at the bulding and at the building site i decided to work on the model and on lightning to define the mood of the work. My point of view is that i’ve a great building in a nice historical context and this is why i wanted to work as possible as i can on a realistic image according to the real materials.
As i said to define the mood i worked on lightning, in this case a combo of vray sun and a low sun hdri, i decided to use this combo because i wanted to underline the primary material, the corten facade, that have a significant role in this project because i think that it has to dialogue with the surrounding buildings.