Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-35204214

First, I reflected on how the image had to look natural and realistic (Thinking about the mood). Second, I thought about the importance of the concept as a tool to narrate a story in the context of the image. Besides, I thought about the idea of incorporating characters that would help me to make clear my concept and story. Third, I also considered the techniques that I had to incorporate to make the concept strong (Lights, composition, colors, the frame, etc.). After considering all of this and in need of developing and building a concept, I asked myself about how could I go beyond the composition and add a sense of what is experienced by a person while being in this space surrounded by the historic buildings and specially the school of architecture?


Taking into account that the main material of the building is an aesthetic element of great importance in the final image, I’ve made the decision to replicate the Corten steel just like in the photographs. In this way, I used an environment very similar to the reference photo and I started to copy the photographic exposure values and the frame. For this, I used the HDRI as the environment and a Sun (Fstorm) to reproduce the approximate same position of the reference. After having done this, I copied the values of the tones in the colors of the material. Additionally, I positioned the building on the map, so that I could have an idea of the coordinates and in that way I could position the sun. Working on this allowed me to emphasize the peculiarities and the kindness of the material and how it matches perfectly with the surroundings.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-21417289

I started by taking a walk around the provided model as someone would if they were walking around the real building. As I went around it I realized that, because of the close proximity with the buildings around it, it created a sort of “alley” feel,with one side the modern building and the other the historical ones. With that in mind i started looking for references of alleys when I realized I could mix that alley feel with the fact that this challange is happening during the late deceber holidays, that inpired me to create this “after” christmas theme,with a gray morning look.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13743802

Following my lighting and composition study, I began setting up my initial shaders. Here I wanted to investigate most what color values are working for me. In following updates these shaders will continue to be refined as detail is added around the image.

Worth noting, the facade and interior aren’t modeled accurately. In order to get the most out of this shot (really more for peace of mind), I think I’ll need to remodel according to plans sourced online.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13743802

Hello all,

I have a pretty basic concept for my visualization that I believe will be the most satisfying to produce. First and foremost, I wanted to make the scene about the Architecture and how it’s situated within the context. I found it to be a clever response to the hard lines from the historic surrounding.

In terms of mood, we all love the “blue hour”. This was my initial thought, but I explored another scheme to be sure. I produced a quick clear and sunny day with loads of direct sunlight and followed with a dusk sky that had more interesting colors. I saw an opportunity for the color of sky to compliment the corten steel and ultimately a more interesting condition for lighting during the bluer hour.

With a blue hour type atmosphere, there will be equal parts artificial light to the environment, and I wanted to maximize the visual interest here to further create a convincingly real visualization. To achieve this, I wanted to do an “after the rain” scenario which not only produces interesting secondary reflections, it poses the challenge of creating the convincing wet ground and micro details on the Architecture through water on the glass, running down the facade, etc.

So my concept is simple – blue hour, after the rain, with emphasis on the Architectural response to historic context.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-21188106

Hello to all,
today I will talk about the next phase of my workflow which consists in putting basic materials on the scene.
This phase allows me to begin to better define the kind of color palette and the mood that I had in mind since the beginning
in which I decided to take this challenge.
After modeling and tweaking some elements from simple boxes, I moved to the texturing phase.
I chose to adopt a simple workflow, so I started with the attribution of simple materials, some of them
they were already in my personal library and this simplified the procedure in order to be able to
focus on creating the material I want to highlight, corten steel.
Composite materials will be created, each of which will be customized using appropriately created masks.
As I said before, the real great challenge is trying to emulate the corten steel of the facade cladding in its imperfection.
I will start doing some test on a copy of the main facade.