Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-73399634
I have an old computer. Very little calculation capacity. I wanted to get a nice style not using renderfarm, even better, I wanted to get a render in the shortest possible time. I wanted the style to be a little strange. I wanted to give you the idea of a little model, a little futuristic image, a bit vintage, a little experimental.
The route was simple enough. want to make a black and white image. When I started I did not have a specific style in mind, it was more like a “feeling” thing. I wanted clear shadows so I put a vraysun without a sky. as a first test I put a single white material. I liked the result right away. The black sky gave a beautiful contrato, the settings of low render gave a grain that I liked .. it made the image a bit ‘vintage. Black glasses and black people were a simplification and an addition to detail. Motion blur for people because the models were very lowpoly, very shallow depth of field to give the idea of a model.
25 minute rendering time. 40 minutes including post-production