Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-67844391

During light tests I was playing with volumetric fog. Very foggy render was one of directions in my concept. But I realize that I missed too many details which I want to show. Anyway I was quite happy with results, to it`s nice to show it.

In my final image I used volumetric fog as well, but with much smaller amount.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-19587775

I spent a night in late december 2017 analyzing the architectural project, the building, the surrounding, possible camera angles etc. That is why now, 5 days before deadline I have to find a way and make a quick entry, since I had (and still have) work to do on a daily basis which doesn’t give me much time to focus on this personal project.
Having said that, I choose this angle (in december) because if I were a visualization studio and had to represent this project (which being surrounded by tight streets is not easy to entirely present in one image), I would make as 1st image the standard one showing the entire building from one side, but the 2nd image would surely be the one that I am going to make for this challenge. Having seen that the facade and window frames are one of the most important characteristics of this building, I will go for a zoomed facade render which focuses on the internal life of the building as seen from the windows. I like images which show both interior and exterior as I find them more complete. So I picked and angle which shows the window frames disposition but also hints the curvilinear development of the building. The time of the day I picked is the moment when outside is still day but the lights inside are starting to turn on, so basically right before sunset. Having set the outside light for the quick clay render now the next step would be modelling and texturing the corten facade.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by 2018 05 24 1015


I started with study some reference photos and early on looking at the corten material of the building. I realized that I had to remodel it a bit so it looked and matched how it’s built.

I found some drawings online, and mainly focused on the centered zig zag composition of the building facade on second to fourth floor. Was a quite fast process and then I run the random element ID script to the facade. I will also combine it with some Vray Dirt to mask out different materials on the facade.

I did some modification of the exterior stair situation aswell from reference photos.

It’s a really fun and enjoyable competition!


Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-73529690

Since my last post I’ve slightly changed my camera direction. I like how this lines flow. Also I modified the stair and the railings. I used zbrush to add some details on the stair and on the pavement. I refined the building a bit.
I pinned the image with props for the interior (except books).
Next step I’ll show view vith shaders. I’m still fighting the main facade shader.