Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-14743743

I hope that my final PDF submission Reaches Tomorrow studio , as I think that I mad a mistake uploading the resume .
I’v already uploaded the PDF submission with the requested format , but I am not sure if the right resume was selected for the application , and i cant edit it any more.

any way thanks for this chance , I really liked the challenge
thank Tomorrow Thanks Ronen !!
Good Luck for ALL !!

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-82056808

For the beginning I wanted a bright and sunny image, to show a normal Wednesday of work at mid morning. Tough Sweden is wrought with harsh winter weather and fogs most of the times, It does have It’s sunny days. I wished to show the curves of the terrace and the reflections as the curves of the building in this setup. Didn’t want anything extra-ordinary, just a normal picture taken by a normal person, which when viewed looks stunning to the beholder. I also didn’t want the Red corten material as it was too mainstream, I had chosen peachy color metal in the elementary test renders, and it looked so nice and appealing that i kept it throughout the final render. A busy moving street, a busy college, one a bright sunny day.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-12804235

I started to read about the creators of the building, the architects, what was their idea about it and surround it, and i remenbered the time when i was still student in architecture, my professor was always insisting about the connexion between the exterior and the interior of any construction, in urban area or not.
And because of my first impression about this one, about the empty space surrounding it, i started to do some research to find the best way to complement what was in my opinion missing.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-14010451

What makes us very good at doing something ? there are many reasons like : having good teachers , parents , friends , having time , trying a lot , but the most important part is to have
a strong passion if you are passionate you will learn anything you want , you will be what you want , that’s how I thought when I’ve seen this project , I was an architectural student
and I wasn’t good at anything but I was passionate , and at the end my graduation project was chosen as the best one of this year , just because I was passionate ( the same )

the shot is after a school day , the architectural students are working and the instructor is going home , this is my story when I was a student , all of that was happening everyday .