Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-12804235

I started to read about the creators of the building, the architects, what was their idea and concept, and i remembered the time when i was still student in architecture, my professor was always insisting about the connexion between the exterior and the interior of any construction.

And because of my first impression about this one, about the empty space surrounding it, i started to do some research to find the best way to complement what was in my opinion missing.

How to make my idea fit in the project, i started by making the iglou like a spot for the student to gather in, talk, Meat, Eat, …

After that i made the green spaces for tree’s, arbust, ..some bench’s, Lampost’s and sconce’s ( from the library) in the final with all put together, i decided to go with night vue, i added some light’s and started to twick the settings for the final rendering.

I could do better than this one, time is sketchy, if I had to do something differently, it would be taking the time to manage my textures, lightning, and render settings, but I think I would keep the concept.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-18871591

I was looking for similar textures to compare to the real building. Then I tried to create the reflection on the street. I added a fall off layer to the reflection layer to allow the water mirror to appear at different angles.

It was difficult to control the size of the water in the paving stone. It was also a challenge to get the rain in the windows, which makes the windows misty.

I don’t have so much time that works for this project. So it’s such a pity I don’t add people in the view. Maybe making the people in the picture can create more exciting atmosphere.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-11426231

I choose this composition for different reasons:
– works well with Fibonacci’s Ratio -golden ratio rule- , one of the most famouse rules in architectural photography.
– Balanced image horizontaly -the masses int the right and the left-, and virtecaly -an elent goes up while the other responds by going down-.
– All lines guid to the focus point.
– Even the rail line which does not go directly towrds the building, but it creats with other lines the frame that makes the building in focuse.