CABINS entry by Alexander

Who loves extreme trips ?!

This idea arose when I thought about hiding in dangerous conditions for a person. This is the Valley of Death, it is in the south of North America in the Mohave Desert – one of the most hostile places for humans on the planet. But even there is life. Tourists, scientists, or just extreme people come to this place. Why not make life easier for all these people. This development and some simplification of my first idea, where I wanted to show the contrast between danger and security – a dangerous environment and a safe, comfortable shelter. At first there were four-legged robots left out of submission (similar to the Boston Dynamics military development), which can not get inside.
But later, I decided to abandon this idea because of the complexity of implementation and left only the desert and the hostile environment.

On the sketch the building as I imagine it. Symmetry is at the head of architecture. I wanted to get some resemblance to extraterrestrial bases, which are portrayed in fantasy films, but not much to lead the viewer into futurism, therefore chose sharp forms. I think this is a more earthly solution. I think that I will still change the design of windows and doors, but the basic form will remain as it is.

Thank you. What do you think of it?

P.S.: Sorry for my English.
If you do not understand what I wrote, please do not hesitate to ask in the comments.

CABINS entry by Asher

I wanted to explore the idea of germination within an environment… the softness of a new bud or flower emerging in its fragility and at the same time showcasing the strength of new life.

My inspiration for the pods came initially from a seed budding into flower opening to the daylight for the first time. Sitting in the environment of where it fell. As I was drawing the pods I wanted to portray the protection of the outer casing and the delicate inner flesh and the more I drew, the more these began to resemble an orange being peeled from its flesh. I hope to combine the two ideas of petals and the fruit, and create a balance between fragility and strength.

CABINS entry by elschilling

Bamboo cabin camouflaged on the coast

Since 2017 Guarda do Embau is recognize as a Mundial Surf Reserve. Its very hard to translate in words what means be in this place. All its possible to say is that its impossible to be there and not to think how to harmonically habitat this place. Naturally inspired by IBUKU, the idea of this entry is give life to a long process of imagination, an Bamboo Cabin near one of the bests surfspots of Brazil. As the place’s name, this is a utopian dream, something unrealaseable. My first time at participating on this kind of challenge, its an honor to show some sketches and imagination to such high level professionals!

CABINS entry by Andrey

As a child, I always dreamed about my country house, I thought about every detail of the facade and interior, furniture and decor. And now I have an opportunity to create a dream house. And of course I will succeed!

CABINS entry by 1equals2

…so as earlier mentioned, road will be a long one and use any moment when find free time to look out for cabins/buildings/sites to be inspired. Will stick to the preliminary environment concepts and will go outside the comfort zone by modeling terrain with variety of elements. Although huge fan of clean and straight forms, this time went bit further, driven by my passion of natural form. The design of the building /cabin is inspired by a crosswise modular small house situated on a hill, which found onto the internet. Decided it will be quite cool to have a building which opens different views to its occupants, and the cross like form will contribute in this direction. The approach towards it was rather unconventional – lying in bed, using phone and Autodesk Sketchbook to bring some rough concepts with straight box like volumes which seamlessly headed into the direction You can see at the attached concept. First few sketches were actually done using nothing but fingers and phone and then further elaborated with tablet in front of pc. Currently the building does not have a look akin to typical cabins, but the concept behind it is that it is built from pre-made parametric generated elements ( column and roof beam) forming a curve, which can be extended in time, thus growing from a small volume which can be occupied by 1-2 people to building- like space, which can host more than 10 people. Apart from this have highlighted some personal goals and milestones to follow a.k.a steps and secondary challenges which currently I am not familiar with and looking forward developing. Hopefully time will be sufficient!