CABINS entry by Muhammed Thufail
Why ‘The Homecoming’, Past 4 months were a bit difficult for me.
After 4 months of struggle I managed to come out of it and the thought of going back home was indescribable. Here I would like to showcase, How I portrayed it in my head when I had thought of going back home.
I haven’t done any 3D works during this time and I really hope that I do justice with my imagination this time.
I did 3 different sketches and finalized on the submitted one. I’ve used some reference images to model the cabin as well.
Mostly I’ll be working with 3DsMax and Vray. Also planning to make use of ForestPack, Railclone and GrowFX since I didn’t get a chance to use all these for a long time. I don’t know a thing about GrowFX, hoping to learn as I progress in the scene. I might use Phoenix FD for the water stream as well, haven’t tried this also.
I’ve got a lot of work to do and an awful lot to learn in the process.
Good Luck everyone .. 🙂