CABINS entry by Muhammed Thufail

Why ‘The Homecoming’, Past 4 months were a bit difficult for me.
After 4 months of struggle I managed to come out of it and the thought of going back home was indescribable. Here I would like to showcase, How I portrayed it in my head when I had thought of going back home.
I haven’t done any 3D works during this time and I really hope that I do justice with my imagination this time.
I did 3 different sketches and finalized on the submitted one. I’ve used some reference images to model the cabin as well.
Mostly I’ll be working with 3DsMax and Vray. Also planning to make use of ForestPack, Railclone and GrowFX since I didn’t get a chance to use all these for a long time. I don’t know a thing about GrowFX, hoping to learn as I progress in the scene. I might use Phoenix FD for the water stream as well, haven’t tried this also.
I’ve got a lot of work to do and an awful lot to learn in the process.
Good Luck everyone .. 🙂

CABINS entry by Jerry

After studying a lot the environment of I have decided where my elements will go, it will be a simple composition but I hope to get the most out of it

CABINS entry by Skaterlion

At this point I been focusing more on the topography and scenery to mold my design based on the terrain features. I used Medium in VR to try to explore up close different terrain features, the final topography created in Unity was inspired by one of my models from medium.

CABINS entry by Jean

… Seeing around here more and more nice ideas of cabins lost in beautiful natural landscapes, and being more skilled in architecture rendering than wild life illustration, I decided to propose something a bit different :

What if a nice cosy cabin, peacefully set in some wild meadow, was, after a long life far from the city pressure, suddenly surrounded by a vast urban program, crushing every bit of nature around it, huge glass building towering its light frame ?

And, what if, instead of surrendering the small building to the hungry bulldozers, the owner decided to stand his ground, and stay, no matter what ?

Our story begins here, at the edge of a very small world, overlooking ,without a blink, the new universe that try to swallows it.

This idea is of course partially inspired by Pixar’s UP movie, but, instead of fleeing through the air, the intend here is to stay connected, firmly, to the ground !

The final result should be one VR sphere, showing the sweet comfort of the cabin on one side, warm and full of natural elements, and all the dry and artificial urban surrounding if you look around.

CABINS entry by Fathil Shakoor

I am very interested with the sinkhole events that happen particularly within the Dead Sea area (Dead Sea is an inland lake that sits on the border between Israel and Jordan), this cabin has a purpose for a geologist who is carrying out research for her work and her lover who is away from her trying to propose to her in an unconventional way.