CABINS entry by joanpastor

I always liked the idea of ​​a view on a cliff, something that gave a feeling of total loss of the sense of subjectivity and overturned you in the landscape. On the other hand, I wanted the proposal to be integrated in an organic way in thshape of its location, even penetrating into it.

CABINS entry by amores

Since my childhood I have always admired Don Quixote’s struggle with the windmills.

Even today I am amazed how excellent we were to use the natural resources we had most at hand.

I still remember in my youth, me and my grandfather, taking a donkey laden with bags of corn to a water mill to make flour.

CABINS entry by Simone

I used the sourced images as a reference to make the plans for two selected variations of the cabins.
Drawing the plans gave me a better understanding on how the cabins are build up, about their size and proportion. I also implemented some ideas for the props and the surrounding scenery in the illustrations. As a next step I will start modelling the main elements in 3ds Max.

CABINS entry by Tones

The cabin sits on a spot with an extremely difficult access but with stunning views. The house can be reached by walking trough a narrow rocky path that has been sculpted into the rock of a cliff. Once you get around the house you have to pass through a little bridge that leads you into the house, which sits on a separate little cliff surrounded by the sea. It has also acces to the sea, thanks to the sculpted stairs that go down to the sea, where a little boat stays.