CABINS entry by mohd_ateff

For this entry I will be introducing a cabin or a group of cabins for the desert travelers, these cabins would attract and accommodate wanderers of the Sahara deserts as a tourism attraction point.

Inspired by the unique rock and desert formation of the Algerian desert ( Hoggar mountains ) and its rich heritage spots to create a group of cabins in this beautiful rocky scenery.

I laid out the main compositions and ideas to create a storyboard for the concept that will shape the whole design process next trying to achieve a specific mood ( just bought a digital tablet so i thought it would be nice to try it out! 😀 )

i didn’t think thoroughly about the cabin design yet due to the busy schedule but that would be the next step along with modeling the scene as I like to design compositions first.

CABINS entry by Evgeniia Popova

The main idea of my work is dissolution in nature.

The cabin is mainly decorated by its surrounding landscape. So I’m going to create all 4 varients of seasons to show how the enviroment is changing.

As I see it the hut should carry in itself feeling of habitable space, protection from the searing rays of the sun during daylight and a warm hearth on cold nights.

I think I’ve described in words very accurately my goals and tasks, and now is time to fullfill them…

CABINS entry by ArchiSurface

With the continuation of the 1.0 version which I though I can update my post after (sorry guys, pretty new here >.<). I submitted an entry introduction explaining the idea of using the prefab wood for the benefit of the local communities, also about using programs such as AutoCad, 3dsmax and Photoshop. Now this is the actual work and it's progress. Hope you like it 😀

CABINS entry by ArchiSurface

My design approach is base of modular spaces with prefab wood and finishes. With the intention of reducing construction time, resources and transportation that took place in the jungle that does not offer the standard road condition. Despite of the challenges, at the end the locals loved it, it was such a fulfilling experience and I am proud to have the chance to share it with you guys.

For the process of rendering, I started modeling the panels and its structure in AutoCad which then imported to 3dsmax, then a couple final touches with Photoshop to complete the scene.
Any comments are welcome and I hope you guys enjoy it! 🙂