CABINS entry by vickyluque
A place to stay away from the city noise
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See Entries & Join! About ConvertedA place to stay away from the city noise
My concept comes first from the choice of location.
I chose the Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil. The Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park is located approximately 550km from Goiânia (the city where I live), and has recently undergone a large fire, which burned about 65,000 hectares of the nearly 250,000 that exist. The Park is of international importance, as it preserves a large part of the brazilian cerrado biome. So the choice serves as a kind of homage and great appreciation that I have for that beautiful place.
Below, these are my first designs for the Challenge Cabins. I did the sketches looking to define the shape of the cabin and produce some compositions that could enhance the beautiful views that the park could produce. The cabin was located at the top of a hill, also seeking to enjoy the best of the landscape.
The cabin in question was developed for a young couple, who seeks to escape the hectic working routine of the cities.
I will develop the project using 3ds Max, Corona Renderer and Photoshop.
In this stage i’m already choose the landscape location.
There is 3 location for the cabin. Still not decided yet, which one will be my main view.
The red line in the renderer image will be a railway for the train and the Grey one will be a Highway (I still consider to erase the highway, since i imagine it’ll be disturb the serenity of cabin)
The detail of the cabin will be uploaded in the next milestone. Thx.
The location will be in the real world in java, but some modify will be made if needed. The environment take place on paddy/rice field with a river at the bottom of it.
The main software i’ll use is 3ds Max, with supporting software like world machine, GrowFx for creating vegetation, and render with vray.
The cabin design will improve and developed more along the creation of the environment. The cabin design main concept will be fit with the terraced environment.
This is my first huge project i ever made, so i’ll try my best to make it great.
Rare solar cabin in the woods
for this entry I will be introducing a cabin or a group of cabins for the desert travelers, these cabins would attract and accommodate wanderers of the Sahara deserts as a tourism attraction point.
Inspired by the unique rock and desert formation of the Algerian desert ( Hoggar mountains ) and its rich heritage spots to create a group of cabins in this beautiful rocky scenery.
I laid out the main compositions and ideas to create a storyboard for the concept that will shape the whole design process next trying to achieve a specific mood ( just bought a digital tablet so i thought it would be nice to try it out! 😀 )
i didn’t think thoroughly about the cabin design yet due to the busy schedule but that would be the next step along with modeling the scene as I like to create the compositions first.