The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Jakub Sokólski

Hi, today i’m posting 2 almost finished raw renders without postproduction. On first image from street level I wanted to achieve the effect of a building standing out in urban fabric, towering over the city. Associations with alien ships or simply with the building of the future are welcome 😉 Second view is not so enigmatic and shows much more of a concept so you can notice how vertical farms are fitted into the city.

What do you think guys? Any comments will be welcome.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by James Macdonald

So I think I have now got a narrative that I enjoy.

I have like the umbrella shape as it works well with the empty spaces of the hero building so I want to use this to tie all 3 images together.
So the start would be umbrella found, middle would be umbrella being used, end would be leting him fly away.

I want a rainy visual and a visual with the umbrella flying in the wind, if you ask an umbrella what he wants he would say play in the rain and fly in the wind !

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by flow

Hi guys,
here’s an update about two of my three images. Before returning to the first image (I don’t know why but it is the most complicated) I would like to push the other two images a bit far just to be sure that I can manage to finish in time without going crazy.
So here’s two images with some post production: i decided to post both pre and post to show what I’ve done:
– in the underwater image I worked in post with render passes but all the objects are full CGI
– in the building site i’ve done the same thing but I added people in PS.
what do you think? your comments in this phase will be very very useful.
