Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

Hey everybody, I’ve just finished up putting together my PDF to turn in, so here are the final images I created! My main goal was to put together a story line that ties the three images together. I needed the images to have more than just the building in common in order for there to be a story, so I photographed the same girl and used her as the main character for each different view. We follow her on a day spent at the library, from waiting for the doors to open, to walking home after a rainstorm. I’m really happy with the way each image turned out, and I learned a few new tricks throughout the process!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

I thought I had uploaded my inspiration post in December, but I guess it failed to upload. Anyway, here were my inspirations for this competition. I needed direct references for wet streets, so I found some photos that I liked. I also needed inspiration for the angle I was going to choose for the interior. I had already decided on the theme for my other exterior, so I found some reference photos of morning sun. Due to the similar color, the Taj Mahal was especially helpful!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

I’ve finally got everything in place to render my images now. I’m attaching viewports of my camera angles, but unfortunately since I’m working on a pretty outdated machine, I’m not able to show all the vegetation and books etc that show how much work I’ve put into this! I’ve had to work the whole time with no displayed textures, high poly objects displayed as boxes, etc… I’m excited to hit render and see the results!

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

Because I have decided to do three very separate views I’ve needed to have three separate files for this project. I’m starting to regret that decision, as it’s forced me to take on three very different projects as opposed to just the one! As it stands now, I believe I can still make the deadline. I’m close to having two of the views ready to render, but have yet to start on the third. The third should be the least time consuming, but with only two weeks left, I’m running out of time!

Another thing I’m coming up against is the fact that I’m working from my home computer which is fairly old and is not NEARLY as strong as the machine I use at work. So unfortunately the screenshots I’m uploading won’t show my material mapping. I’m uploading a few shots of my viewport and some of the lights and materials to show how I’m setting up the scene, but don’t yet have any progress renderings to show…

Tomorrow 2019 Challenge entry by 3dNinja

I wanted to not only represent the library, but also to really emphasize the intent behind the design. I didn’t know very much about Gunnar Asplund or the Nordic Classicism movement, so I got a notepad and began to research them. I believe this will help me to create an image that will really do justice to the architect, his work, and the style of architecture. I also began to find some inspiration images, as I plan to make this project a true triptych with three images that come together to form a story. As such, I wanted to find three distinct types of atmosphere that I can put together to form a comprehensive work of art. These are the images that I’m posting for this entry.