The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Rafał

What will New York look like in 20 years? I think it won’t change much. It is a city that everyone in the world knows, a real icon. Some people are lucky to have been there. I am among the majority and i know this city only from photos, films, music, posters … All these forms of art have created a vision of this city that is unique.
When i started working on this competition, i quickly realized that i didn’t want to focus on designing futuristic buildings. I wanted to show how i see this city, and the architecture that was supposed to appear on Hudson Yards is just an excuse.
My idea is based on the creation of one large object that would become a visual gateway to the city. A huge cube with a sphere cut out inside (or maybe a big apple) frames the surrounding space. I decided to create three completely different images. These three stories do not tell about specific people or events, but i hope they convey the spirit of this place.
My work on this project is mainly sketches and thoughts. Before i started creating a model of this place, i looked through millions of photos and videos to find a good idea for every shot. The first sketches were made on paper and as simple collages in photoshop. When i started creating 3d model i knew exactly what and how i want to show.
Modeling was limited only to the elements that will be visible. I modeled the main building, a piece of waterfront and “sheep meadow”. I put some office furniture, lamps, people on the floors with the forest pack. On the street i added several cars, traffic lights and trees.
The background is mainly photos with improved perspective and lighting, placed in 3ds max. The exception is the top view, where i had to stick each building separately. The rest is matte painting.

I hope you enjoy my work.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by shubham sharma

The design shows the future possibilities in which future innovations have been used in such a way that it benefits the people and binds communities together creating a pedestrian-friendly, transit-oriented mixed-use design which will transform the place in the coming future.

I hope you like my Images.
Thank you for this competition!

All the best to everyone.
Thank you!

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Mohamed Mahfouz

Architecture has developed through the ages, especially after the world war-2 when we discovered ourselves as Urban communities that, war was no longer useful for us, from that point human started a new era, of being a bit more civilized than ever before, in terms of resources utilization and life qualities.
Imagining Architecture as a movie or a memory flash back, we see how the human urban development has reformed from horizontal expansion to vertical expansion pattern, as a methodology to maximize profits, and make the best use of our limited resources such as Lands (reachable-view-value-location-services) instead of the early urban Utopian cities that imagined heaven far from our life city centers, where we have less pollution and more greens, the lower building levels and higher quality life values.
In fact this is how i imagine Newyork in 20 years ! it’s not gonna be bad ! But not as bright, life within 20 years will not change that much but humans will keep trying to overcome the existing feeling of horizontal expansion (which is a must sooner or later to avoid congestion), taller, agile, glossy towers with connections, bridges and some of that, a life that will expand more and more vertically, to respond to our higher density withing the congested-remaining city, within its services, buildings and existing infrastructures.
On the other hand humanity will keep using our old infrastructure ! Because come on nothing changed yet ! But less light, less attention to the those old streets, less clean and unfinished works everywhere, A real contrast of old vs new life forms, different technologies but still seems familiar, like seeing nowadays an electric car, seems a normal car ! But with a closer look in sounds different it has no compositions, no drag no noise ! Its electric.
With the observatory in the middle i tried to imitate the attempt of contrast a soft new modern structure than penetrates the existing gap, the gap between the towers, it’s our way as human to breath, break the habits and make an impact, it’s our way to overcome the hardships and see through the dark ! Yet its still possible to beat the dark.
Finally, this vision may not be real, it is not positive too, and yet to know its just a theory, but due to our life today am kind of skeptical about its bright future, hope am not too dark, but with such a healthy skeptical dose towards the future we may have a brighter one, and thanks for allowing us to be in such a very ingenious and amazing challenge.
Mohamed Ahmed Mahfouz,

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Nenad Nacevic

Seven Chapters Of The Day

By Nacevic Nenad

The guiding idea of my project is based on an optimistic vision of the future, harmonious coexistence of people and technology. The project is based on a broader representation of the Hudson Yards area that has been influenced by the technological advances which I envision the future will bring by 2040.

My intention was to present the cyclicality of the day through its 7 phases. The transformations that space goes through are related to the lighting variations, change of utilization, shift of events, space occupancy density,…

I_The storyline starts with our main protagonist who goes to work. Above her head is Torus – a futuristic phone replacement used for advanced video call projections, health monitoring, or simply like a GoPro. The origin of its shape comes from the symbolism and appearance of the aureole. Hudson Yards will be influenced by various technology and screens implemented on the buildings which are not there only for commercial purposes but their role is to remind the population to slow down, take a deep breath, enjoy creative interpretations of nature. “Wake up” message in the sky is a reference to the movie “Mr. Nobody (2009)”. On the display below it, the invitation to the party indicates the development of the following events.

II_The golden sun is setting below the horizon. Musicians lead a Balloon parade that passes through the city and announces the upcoming celebration. Curious passers-by gather in increasing numbers. The workers diligently set the stage and make the final preparations.

III_The main vessel became a carrier and the protector of the holographic tree which is representing the dual nature of the future life. We can choose the way we want to participate in everyday life, be physically or electronically present. Glowing Stevi-cola traces re-introduce us to our protagonist sitting on the edge, looking at the night landscape from a perspective that is unusual for an ordinary observer.

IV_The celebration began in all its glory. People have a wonderful time celebrating life, colorful confetti erupts all around them while the lead character of our story plays music from the stage.

V_Party is still going, buildings in Hudson Yards have become alive, shining in their splendor. Lights incorporated into the facades and animated waves on them illuminate the entire hazy city block.

VI_The sun rises and a new day is born. Workers are packing the gear and robots are cleaning confetti and flyers leftover from the party.

VII_The light of the fresh morning opens the seventh scene. A passing plane indicates that one cycle has been completed and announces the start of the next round of life events.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Stefan Dimitrov

By Stefan Dimitrov

The focal point in the development of the project is to connect the adjacent terrain with the sky scrapers of Hudson Bay by vegetation. I always aim to create architecture dedicated to the people. Improving the site environment and the building volumes is my main purpose in the project. Leaving a valuable heritage for the future generations is what I aim for. Almost every big city like New York has a lack of green spaces at the expense of concrete and technologies. Meliora illustrates one possible and breathing green development between the City and the Nature for the next twenty years.
By using 3ds max I begun remodeling the provided volumes in the sketch-up model. I changed the geometry of the skyscrapers in such a way to create green surfaces, that will host the bushes and the small trees. At the same time I started developing the surrounding area by using pre-made assets. I used around 60-70 low poly models of buildings to fill up the context area. To create variety I created several clusters that were rotated and scaled randomly.
The terrain was created by using splines. Creating some organic shapes into the park area helped to achieve the desired result. I also modeled a leaf-like structure that is covered in grass and bushes. This affected in a good way the composition in all of my images by giving a more dynamic expression in the views.
All of the images were rendered by V-ray. Post-production was added in Photoshop. I aimed to create moods for the day images that were very similar to each other, because I wanted all of the day views to work as one. After that I created one last fourth image in a night mood to nail the end of the project development.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this contest.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by vittorio.bonapace

I imagine this project as a new heart beating center for the city. 

Community is the center of these visuals. The message and the story I wanted to tell are not the architecture itself. The scheme is meant to surround and frame people’s stories and feelings.

It is not about outstanding offered services or modern and beautiful infrastructures, but how the new amazing area will inspire and change people who are living there, who are working there and who engage with it.

People having a relaxing time into the park, enjoying the sunshine on a beautiful Saturday morning. A model having a photo shoot for a magazine inside the awesome Vessel, inspirational design building which is the iconic face of the Masterplan. Some friends are enjoying life after a long day on a roof terrace with a fantastic panoramic view, enhancing the beauty and magic of lighting.

Sunshine through nature. A night in the sky. Eccentric fashion. These are the main themes I’ve explored within these visuals to tell a story about the Scheme and how beautiful it could be to interact and engage with it.

Get there. Get inspired. Eat and drink all the beauty.