The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Krzysztof Woleński

New York City seems to be great place to work and live in.
Fast growing modern business areas, more and more highly educated people.

Everything is going in right direction but there are situations, that have strong influence on our surroundings.
Beside well prosperity and inevitable development, the society is facing to the global warming issue.
Everyone try to avoid burning sun by hiding in the shadows of the skyscrapers.
All people must wear masks. Diseases are not that dangerous as it was in the past, but become common and unstoppable.

This is a realistic vision of the near future. Images are presenting society which is trying
to live their ordinary lives in extraordinary times.
Main inspiration for this images was current coronavirus epidemic.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Tony Hin Chun Lai

Hudson gate is a reimagined master planning of the Hudson Yards in 2040. It serves as the frontier of the Hudson Commercial District, a major transportation hub for the Midtown Manhattan Region, and the end point of the NYC – DC Hyperloop transportation.

With the new Hyperloop commuters are able travel between DC and NYC in 30 mintues, and hence the transportation system is being compared as the the nerve fibre between the two cities, as it bears enormous political and economical significance. As a designer we make sure the entire Manhattan region sees its significance, visually. A nerve fibre connects between two neurons, and transmits signals to other cells. When a capsule departs from its terminal and enters the transportation tube, metaphorically it is the electrical signal being sent down the nerve fibre to the other neuron, which is DC. To visually capture this, at night a segment of the transportation tube will glow when a capsule is passing through, and this glow will follow the capsule down the tube as if it is an electrical signal being sent.

Despite of its economical significance, the Hudson Gate also bears significance in tackling the increasing hurricane activity and intensity caused by global warming. The Hudson Gate and its transportation both features an exo-skeleton like structure to hold and reinforce the weight. Due to advancement in material technology, this exo-skeleton structure is made with a synthetic material that exhibits properties such as high flexibility, very light weight, and twice of the steel’s bearing strength. This allows architecture in 2040 to grow larger in size and pushing the upper limit of overloading to a new high. With its sheer size, the terminal is able to withstand extreme weather conditions and remain in service under circumstances like hurricanes and snowstorms.

Finally I hope everyone gets to take something from this competition, or even better took the freedom to approach archviz from a different perspective. With all the tutorials and courses you’ve been watching during the lock-down, and with the freedom offered by this competition, now is the best time to experiment with new ideas and perhaps opening up new areas for explorations. Thank you again Tomorrow and Ronen for hosting this competition, it’s a pleasure to be part of it.

Warm regards,


The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Roman Huzar

The project is based on the ideas of great people like Elon Musk and Jacque Fresco, the people I’m inspired by, and whose ideas are very close to me. And I thought it would be a good fit for this project. I didn’t want to go into utopian and do something fantastic and super futuristic, I followed the already existing ideas and concepts that will solve the problems of mankind and tried to reflect it in my images as correctly as possible.

The main ideas of this project are to reduce mankind’s dependence on hydrocarbons through alternative energy sources, space travel and the raping of other planets, the development of transport and tunnel systems, artificial intelligence and new technologies, as well as the greening of the earth and the connection of nature with the infrastructure of cities. The culmination of Jacques Fresco’s lifelong work, helped me in this regard. The collection of the very best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for the transition to a new society based on human and environmental care. The global vision of hope for the future of humanity in an era of technological progress.

I also described the steps as how we’re going to get there:

– 2027 – 50% of transport on Earth will be electrically powered.
– 2033 – Solar energy will be the main energy resource.
– 2037 – Global Greening of the Earth
– 2040 – We will build a colony on Mars.

I’ve always meticulous about the light and atmosphere in the scene and I initially thought that everything had to be in the same style to make the paintings fit together. But after feeling the project and playing with different types of light and atmosphere, I stopped at 3 varieties of lighting for 3 main pictures:

– Foggy morning
– Sunny day
– Evening after the rain

I thought it was a good idea, because it shows the basic architecture in different types of lighting, which makes the pictures not boring and attractive, and I’ve also made two additional pictures that allow a better understanding of the idea and reveal it from the inside.

Since the scene is large, I initially thought about optimizing it and decided to divide each angle into a separate scene. But before I did that, I assembled a general “Master Scene” into which I added all the main elements of the project and when the main angles were defined I started to detail and work out each of the angles more precisely. This method allowed me to work more comfortably in each scene, and optimizes the workflow.

I hope you enjoy my idea of the project and how I was able to bring it up visually. Overall, I am satisfied with the final result!
Thank you for this opportunity!

Kind Regards,
Roman Huzar

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by da.viz

The pictures show a futuristic future in which the architecture is not replaced by new buildings, but is preserved in its original state. The public transports of the past are kept as relics. A future where we return to looking at the well-being of the individual and in which nature has a fundamental aspect.
The park creates a pattern where water, green areas, and materials, are melted together.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by

‘They are not humans. What rights do you expect them to have?

M15 was used to hearing such words from humans, but they never failed to hurt him.
He wasn’t sure when it started, but one day he started experiencing feelings. He wasn’t supposed to feel hurt, tired, or happy, he wasn’t supposed to develop hopes and dreams. After all, he was a robot.

Ever since the pandemic hit the earth in 2020, humanity tried its best to win against the newly surfaced enemy. The tragic losses made the world realize how fragile the human body is, and that awakened their survival instinct. Millions of new inventions were mass-produced each day, tested, perfected, and put in the market.
Amongst the mass-produced products were the robots. Humans abandoned jobs that they deemed unworthy to sacrifice their life for, however, they were vital for the city. For that reason, they resorted to using robots to fill out the menial tasks that keep the city running.
For the most part, things were running smoothly, all the prevention measures were working, businesses flourished again. New York was back to its previous glory and glamour, although not as jammed. The city overcame the burdens rather quickly, it regained overnight its status as ‘city of dreams’, a place where hopes and wishes became a reality.

(01)That was the case for M15. Visiting New York was a dream of his, one that he would realize today. At 5 am, he headed to the old station and took the ‘train’ to Hudson Yards. It was a dark and long ride, the train was barely used nowadays; ever since the new station was built, other modes of transportation were slowly abandoned.

(02)At noon, M15 arrived at his destination. He was feeling anxious, here he was defying the rules. “But no one would know”, he told himself. After all, robots looked the same, and no one bothered to check their serial number unless an accident occurred. Taking a deep breath, he climbed the stairs, looking forward to starting a new life.
The first sight that greeted M15 was the Vessel, which he could see through the screens. His dream was finally coming true. Hopeful, he continued up the steps, ready for his new life.

(03)He knew what to do now, he would blend in with the cleaning robots, tasked to clean the streets. They were many of them, his presence will not be detected. He started cleaning, no one paid him any mind.

(04/05/06/07)Day in, day out, he worked. He was content but was not yet satisfied. Something was missing, After all, he was only pretending to be part of the scenery. He wasn’t free, he couldn’t express himself.

(08)One day, he was mindlessly cleaning the screens. Suddenly, looking up he found himself standing below the vessel. The structure bewitched him, pulling him to visit it.

(09/10)At last, he entered the vessel. He stood still, what he saw amazed him. Looking up he could see the sky the buildings the greeneries and the people. To him, it looked like paradise, a safe haven that shelters him from the outside world.

(11)He stopped on the third floor. There, he could see the sunset, filtered through the vessel. He sat down, laid his feet on the rail, and enjoyed the scene. Bathed in gold rays, he looked at the world in a new light, filled with hope.

Link for VR images;

link for high-resolution images:

Thank you
Amer Farah

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Daryl Tebug

Hey guys,
Its been a long time working on this project and I am proud to get to the stage of finally submitting my work. Its been a great experience working with you all and I have learnt lots from seeing and understanding your individual projects and updates.
I wish you good luck with your submissions and I look forward to the results.
Kind Regards,