The challenge of Tomorrow entry by vittorio.bonapace


I imagine this project as a new heart beating center for the city.
Community is the center of these visuals. The message and the story I wanted to tell are not the architecture itself. The scheme is meant to surround and frame people’s stories and feelings.
It is not about outstanding offered services or modern and beautiful infrastructures, but how the new amazing area will inspire and change people who are living there, who are working there and who engage with it.

People having a relaxing time into the park, enjoying the sunshine on a beautiful Saturday morning. A model having a photo shoot for a magazine inside the awesome Vessel, inspirational design building which is the iconic face of the Masterplan. Some friends are enjoying life after a long day on a roof terrace with a fantastic panoramic view, enhancing the beauty and magic of lighting.

Sunshine through nature. A night in the sky. Eccentric fashion.
These are the main themes I’ve explored within these visuals to tell a story about the Scheme and how beautiful it could be to interact and engage with it.

Get there. Get inspired. Eat and drink all the beauty.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Maciek Józefiak

The ways people move define space. The way modern cities look is mainly due to how a person should get from one place to another. The spacing between buildings is related to the width of the streets, and those of the railways to the width of the vehicles and their quantity. What will the city look like when people start moving in three and not as it is in two dimensions so far? How are buildings changed so that the use of the new mode of transport is fully utilized?

The work that I would like to present is a loose variation on this subject, but not as futuristic as it was 20 years ago. Today such vehicles are already being tested. What used to be the domain of wall fiction movies today is at your fingertips.

There also seems to be no better city than New York, bristling with skyscrapers to show how such a city could look like in 20 years or maybe how much the perspective of his perception will change because it will change for sure.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by

A quick overview of the future of Hudson Yards and NY, it will join in a better way with NJ transit, will have new bridges and tunnels.
There will be ilands on the river to be spots for air travelers, using single manned vehicles or multiple people flying taxis.
A fast train going from long island to NJ in 15minutes underground.
A new connection with the NYC Subway to NJ. More flying vehicles and big Corporate Buildings dominating the view. (the new AI system controls now everything, so its really easy to go to the doctor, check your car, etc… all in one NEXUS)

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by BohdanP

Reinterpretation of The Western Yards was designed to reflect changes in architecture which may occur in the nearest 20 years. I make an assumption that completing of Hudson West will be postponed due to current crisis in the world, so I put accent on technological progress which could happen during this time. Admiring such amazing buildings under construction as 53W53, 111W57, One57, 9 DeKalb Avenue, Tower Fifth, The Spiral, and 2 World Trade Center I suppose West Yards will introduce even more daring and unique solutions in architecture.
My task here is to show influence of the most appealing, in my opinion, trends of architecture of tomorrow. I highlighted three of such trends: passenger drones as an evolutionary development of the public transportation system; sky bridges as the way to build public spaces as well as the amenities for residential buildings; kinetic structures or their elements as the possibility to accommodate buildings to certain conditions and future demands.
I consider The Related Companies L.P. to be as competent as nobody else to calculate demand for office and living spaces for the city. I am going to follow numbers of 4 mil GSF of residential and 2 mil GSF of office spaces as well as one school provided in press release.
At the beginning of 19th century some artists envisaged New York to be crowded with towers linked by elevated walkways and flying machines roaming around. Even though this vision never came to be, the significant demand for space in urban areas, led to reimagining concept of sky-bridges. Inspired by such projects as American Copper Buildings on Manhattan and Raffles City Chongqing I wanted to reflect potential of sky-bridges in creating public spaces and range of amenities for residential buildings. To elevate this concept even more I put a school in between two residential towers above the ground level to free more space for sport facilities.
The way I see, the most significant change in architecture will be caused by the birth of drone public transportation system. Though it could sound a bit as Sci-Fi concept, right now Uber is testing necessary technologies for their Uber Elevate program which is planned to be launched in 2023. Today it is called Uber Copter, which is a group of helipads around Manhattan, one of which is situated right in front of Hudson West. To estimate demand for such flying machines I conducted some calculations and found that 10-12 landing fields in the office building will be enough and from 2 to 8 for residential buildings depending on their size. The result of these calculations was illustrated in renderings. Moreover, instead of many landing fields The Vortex building utilizes drone conveyor. Those buildings which wasn’t able to build landing fields for some reasons, still have the opportunity to use drone station at former heliport place.
There are just a few kinetic buildings all over the world. They differ from common buildings in their ability to accommodate to different conditions and their extended capacities. The most recent built is The Shed at Hudson Yards. This masterpiece of architecture was designed to be responsive and adaptable. I got inspiration from this structure and chose to expand this concept in central building of my project The Crystal. It provides habitats with unique park at the height of 170m which can be either opened or closed depending on weather conditions.
To put just a few words about technical process – my main goal was to illustrate the influence of three advanced trends on architecture of tomorrow. I put accent on composition, color and lightning, skipping large amount of background modeling work.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by fairuz h

Hudson Yard O2 (oxygen) Park
Architectural Folly.
An ornamental structure—oftentimes strange, fantastical, or whimsical—built for just one purpose: pleasure*
New York has always been about craft, brick and mortar building, it has been an integral identity hence keeping and reducing the architectural gentrification of making the whole area sterile is reduced through this approach of creating architectural follies/ building as a symbiont to older ones that remains in the area.
This reinterpretation of follies as “pleasure” purposed apparatus can be seen as an immediate urban solution in lieu with current or future micro or macro climate issue.
The proposal seeks to increase the urban air quality and creates visual cues through creation of functional/habitable architectural folly/follies.
Follies created consist structures and facades that is sensitive to the environment, self-generating energy through kinetic sensors at its facade via passive energy, air/O2 regeneration plant and such.
It also tackles gentrification and economic issue via sustainable development where folly structures built on top of original building or acts as a symbiont to them reduced the needs for demolishing this brick and mortar New York building.
This architectural intervention is a new kind of public space, a new kind of neighborhood that acts as a social condenser to the precinct.
Sculptural form and play of material were integral in breaking the sterility of the area.