entry by oliverhessian

The project has adapted quite a lot over the course of the challenge. Starting off with the idea of a swimming pool floating in the trees and imagining a house to go with it, the main concept was not wanting to choose whether you sited the retreat on the forest floor, in the canopy of branches and leaves or floating above the forest looking to the horizon.

The initial design was a pragmatic use of shipping containers on a pulley structure system using the living areas to counterbalance the sleeping areas. I felt I was getting a bit tied up in the pragmatics for a concept so I redesigned the cabin looking more at quality of light and space inside to lead the way. My focus was oriented primarily around the design of the cabin to start with. I don’t have much experience in environment design and not having a real site in mind I tested a few ways of making a realistic terrain, with several failed attempts at terrain generation I settled for some newly aquired polymodelling in 3ds max as the simplest solution.
Eventually I had something to work with that followed some initial sketches of what I imagined the main camera view being. I then started texturing and populating the terrain using Forest Pack and some assets from Quixel.

The main issue I had after everything was getting the environment to extend to the horizon. This didn’t matter so much for the still images as I could edit this part but for the spherical renders this wouldn’t work, especially as the images Yulio produced didn’t like being tampered at all. The house crept closer to the water to enable a better view of the design however the original concept was to mask the support structure within the trunks of the forest and have more “garden” space between the house and the beach but I’m happy with where I got the project to in the end.

CABINS entry by Bartosz Domiczek

Part 3 of showcasing my mostly final images.

I had a lot of fun with this project and I have been working on it consequently since the beginning of the challenge. In the end, I have made 17 renderings (some more complex, other ones focusing on the details or being some kind of trivia stuff) + 3 spherical renderings.

As the reminder: my cabins are placed in Icelandic Thórsmörk but I made a several different scenes to show various aspects of the place (from quite barren hills to lush woody areas). The cabins themselves are formed as white ephemeral monoliths, contrasting with the organic surrounding and being something between the reminiscence of the ancient dwelling built around the fireplace and the idea of Nordic gods standing in the row on a mountain ridge.

I wish everybody a successful time with a finishing of your work!

CABINS entry by mohd_ateff

Through their traditional migration routes that carved out through the centuries, he guided me between the desert valleys and dunes. For hours I saw nothing, heard nothing, yet through the dusty storm something gleams and shines, I look at the nomad’s smiling eyes through the slit in his headdress as he whispers “this one is for the free folks”.

Concept Reminder:
Introducing a cabin or a group of cabins for the desert travelers, these cabins would attract and accommodate wanderers of the Sahara deserts as a tourism attraction point. Inspired by the unique rock and desert formation of the Algerian desert (Hoggar Mountains) and its rich heritage spots to create a group of cabins in its beautiful rocky scenery.

This project was an amazing learning experience that introduced me to a variety of new assets and techniques. For this project I rendered 3 still images (using 3ds max and unity 3D for modeling and Lumion 3d for rendering) while the VR is yet to be uploaded. The project contains a group of cabins that is excavated in the mountains, and on top of those mountains is a chilling spot that contains a swimming pool, restaurant and a star gazing chamber.

CABINS entry by oliverhessian

The project has adapted quite a lot over the course of the challenge. Starting off with the idea of a swimming pool floating in the trees and imagining a house to go with it, the main concept was not wanting to choose whether you sited the retreat on the forest floor, in the canopy of branches and leaves or floating above the forest looking to the horizon.

The initial design was a pragmatic use of shipping containers on a pulley structure system using the living areas to counterbalance the sleeping areas. I felt I was getting a bit tied up in the pragmatics for a concept so I redesigned the cabin looking more at quality of light and space inside to lead the way. My focus was oriented primarily around the design of the cabin to start with. I don’t have much experience in environment design and not having a real site in mind I tested a few ways of making a realistic terrain, with several failed attempts at terrain generation I settled for some newly aquired polymodelling in 3ds max as the simplest solution.
Eventually I had something to work with that followed some initial sketches of what I imagined the main camera view being. I then started texturing and populating the terrain using Forest Pack and some assets from Quixel.

The main issue I had after everything was getting the environment to extend to the horizon. This didn’t matter so much for the still images as I could edit this part but for the spherical renders this wouldn’t work, especially as the images Yulio produced didn’t like being tampered at all. The house crept closer to the water to enable a better view of the design however the original concept was to mask the support structure within the trunks of the forest and have more “garden” space between the house and the beach but I’m happy with where I got the project to in the end.

CABINS entry by Mateusz Sum

Last night a friend of mine visited me in my XR space on the rooftop. We watched again…
I still remember the very first time I saw it, nearly 60 years ago. I recall us leaving the cinema silently, contemplating the beautiful imagery and trying to collect our jaws from the floor.
Little did we know back then that it was almost like a documentary from the future, not just some edgy si-fi blockbuster. Little did we know it would be much worse…