I am thinking to visualise an underwater cabin which would be accessible from a deck above…

5 replies
  1. Arijanit Roci
    Arijanit Roci says:

    This entry makes me happy. What a great Idea! I can just imagine myself going down the stairs at night in a room with a simple table and a nice chair. Turning on the light and just looking out into an infinite view of the ocean.

    A lot of people have a phobia of diving but have no issue in going through tunnels in Waterworld theme park with only glass keeping the water away from them. What is your idea of the below water room? Is it just for observation or is it more like a functional room? Bedroom/ dining room — Bathroom would be funny? How is your Cabin going to take care of residence waste? Or withstand stormy sea and rocky motion.

    Sorry for all the question. Its a really exciting idea.
    Great start! Only CC I can give is some more info on the details.

    Best Regards / Arijanit

  2. Ronen Bekerman
    Ronen Bekerman says:

    This comment is by Arijanit Roci :

    “This entry makes me happy. What a great Idea! I can just imagine myself going down the stairs at night in a room with a simple table and a nice chair. Turning on the light and just looking out into an infinite view of the ocean.

    A lot of people have a phobia of diving but have no issue in going through tunnels in Waterworld theme park with only glass keeping the water away from them. What is your idea of the below water room? Is it just for observation or is it more like a functional room? Bedroom/ dining room — Bathroom would be funny? How is your Cabin going to take care of residence waste? Or withstand stormy sea and rocky motion.

    Sorry for all the question. Its a really exciting idea.
    Great start! Only CC I can give is some more info on the details.

    Best Regards / Arijanit”

  3. Fairuz Hod
    Fairuz Hod says:

    this is epic. gonna be quite a challange. btw, megascans has some nice underwater biomes! have a blast using them and looking forward for this submission.

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