CABINS entry by Jean

After the first sketches, I first took a look at the cabin shape and the way I wanted it to work. It will be a rather simple space, wide open on one side, more a comfy shelter than a real buikding actually.

I then take a step back and start sketching the surrounding, trying to give it some scale. You will see in the pictures some test for the surrounding environnement (of course, the textures here will be replace by 3D buildings)

There is also, for those who want to try, a quick spherical pano, done in Thea4su. I try to understand how to upload it on Yulio, but haven’t figured it yet… So feel free to download it and try it, with a tool such as FSPviewer (it’s a small free software that allows to see panorama in windows).

CABINS entry by Jean

… Seeing around here more and more nice ideas of cabins lost in beautiful natural landscapes, and being more skilled in architecture rendering than wild life illustration, I decided to propose something a bit different :

What if a nice cosy cabin, peacefully set in some wild meadow, was, after a long life far from the city pressure, suddenly surrounded by a vast urban program, crushing every bit of nature around it, huge glass building towering its light frame ?

And, what if, instead of surrendering the small building to the hungry bulldozers, the owner decided to stand his ground, and stay, no matter what ?

Our story begins here, at the edge of a very small world, overlooking ,without a blink, the new universe that try to swallows it.

This idea is of course partially inspired by Pixar’s UP movie, but, instead of fleeing through the air, the intend here is to stay connected, firmly, to the ground !

The final result should be one VR sphere, showing the sweet comfort of the cabin on one side, warm and full of natural elements, and all the dry and artificial urban surrounding if you look around.