CABINS entry by Dominic_mas

The place where no time…
Not so long ago I’ve visited Tasmania for a few weeks. It’s northern island state in Australia. And I definitely was really inspired by virgin nature around me. Of course place in the sketch isn’t real and I hyperbolized a bit my memories.

What can be better place for the Cabin of the last Romantic as endless shallow. Low tide carried water away and you are able walk in the middle of infinity, between two mirrored worlds. Energy by the wind, food by the sea, rules by the universe.

CABINS entry by Dominic_mas

Place where no time…
The first ideas creates as usual on the paper, first line, first shapes, first direction. The subject is simple. Cabin of the last romantic. Person who can easily live without prejudice, jealousy and any rules.
So I started with small sketches of future image, very quick, just for fun. I did some variations of landscape and cabin design. After few second I already had in my mind clear vision of location where it should be. All this process pushed me to the new forms and ideas which I’ll try to explain in my next post.