CABINS entry by Threedee

After a busy period at work I’m finally roughing out the environment and Cabin locale!

The aim is to be able to visualise everything I expect to see using 360 Panoramas (Yulio) before I commit to detailing these VR “waypoints” – Like a 3D Animatic of sorts.
(Pink rectangles in the screenshots are my current waypoints).

The goal is to inspire surprise and delight. I want my client to think: “Whats around the next corner?

Does it feel… Special? Private? Peaceful?

In terms of workflow, I am currently trialling a method where I work completely in Unity 2018.1.
So far all my Archviz work has usually started in 3dsMax with Vray and Post in Photoshop or After Effects.
Instead I am testing a theory whereby starting in Unity I can create a real-time environment that lets me:
A) See the final lighting result sooner and move and adjust things by hand after I am finished without going back through re-renders.
B) Create an archviz expereince that I can re-package for VR with the Vive or Oculus.
C) Still be able to generate “fly-throughs” and “360 Panos” whenever I want.
D) See how hard I can push this engine to potentially reduce my render-time overheads to a few seconds instead of hours and days.

Below are a few time lapses form different angle (about an hours work)

~ Let me know what you think!

CABINS entry by Threedee

The pencil has hit paper.

Really inspired by the small islands of Herm and the bays and beaches around Cornwall. Just Gorgeous.

Ideally I will only dress the set at these “360” waypoints.
I’m certain the 3D production stage will be a lesson in self control because I LOVE detail…

Next up. 3D Layout.

CABINS entry by Threedee

Pinterest Board and Inspiration.
I’m sharing my inspiration here so you can see where my imagination has taken me.
It is not enough to just jump into 3D and hope something comes out. Does a painting paint itself? does a building design itself? No.

Concept Description.
You’re standing on a causeway. The tide is out.
The sun is about to set and everything is vibrant.
You see a very small island just off shore.
An easy stroll across the rock pools and sand.
You approach the island.
A sandy path meanders up and around to the left.
Flowers line the path and you hear birds and crickets.
As you round the corner you find a bay.
Nestled on the far side is a Cabin.
Your Cabin.
She sandy beach, swaying grass and brilliant sky frame the cabin perfectly.
After a short walk you arrive on the deck looking out over the ocean.
Seagulls. The gentle sound of waves. Beautiful.

Next up. Concept Sketches.

CABINS entry by Threedee

For me, the most exciting thing about a cabin is its hidden isolation. A place known only to you. Somewhere special. Private. Peaceful.

That’s where I wanted to start. A tall order I know!

Pinterest was first on the list.

Special. What was unique yet simple? Location was important. The idea of having your own island seemed strongest. Tropical islands had been done. Rugged and Beautiful? Rocky? Windswept? Wildflowers? Lighthouse Islands? Yes.

Private. Getting to your cabin shouldn’t be hard. But where to put it? You don’t want everyone and they’re dog just dropping by! Hidden or “tucked away” was best. Islands with coves… Islands with low tide access.

Peaceful. Lighthouse-type islands yes. Rocky crag no. I wanted a beach you could go looking for seashells. Pick flowers on the hill. Your hill. Where you could have a BBQ, crack a beer and watch the sunset.

Now this is a reality I could get behind…

A “Virtual” Reality I could create.