CABINS entry by hacharts

Hello everyone !
The main Idea comes from a feeling I had once I was in the Sahara by night and the view I saw was extraordinarily awesome. The sky was so clear that we can see the space and all the stars and celestial bodies with the immensity of the universe so obvious.
My project (which is a group of cabins) will serve as a vacation destination for people who want to visit the sahara (or any other desert) and feel the greatness of the universe and the smallness of our travelling planet throught VR technology.
The challenge is to technically be able to create this desert environment and find the new skills needed to do so in a relatively short time.
Finally I’d like to ask you how do you find this idea ? I will be glad to have any ideas or any thaughts that could help.
Thank you – And thanks Ronen for this Opportunity