Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-31844760

The goal was to create a lazy Saturday with its emptiness around the building. But this emptiness is shined by a warm sun and covered by a heavy dark clouds. It was a big pleasure to work on this project. The most complicated part was to find an interesting view, cause I didn`t want to go out of the context. My big reference was a 1january walk in a small village close to Dresden where I could watch this kind of lighting and atmosphere alive.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-31844760

From the very beginning I was looking for a nice interersting composition, not too dynamic, more peacefull, and perhaps boring. Some Saturday afternoon, when the building is having a rest from the people. I was inspired by a lot of archdaily shots, specially the daytime photos. Just free architecture and a sky. So I didnt think a lot about a concept, and just started working on a best composition and a mood. Here is one of the lighting setups.