CABINS entry by Benja

When growing up, I regularly visited my family in Ireland, from here we used to escape to a little coastal fishing village located in Sheephaven Bay called Downings.

We used to visit the same chalet every year, in front of this chalet there was a house. There was a tale of a local Artist that residedhere, on the headland, just above the crashing waves of the wild north Atlantic ocean.

Directly in front of this house was a dramatic landscape of the ocean, beaches and peaks beyond them. I wondered where he would escape to gain inspiration for his art; if he looked out at the same dramatic view everyday, does he perfect the same landscape over and over? does he move about around the bay? I concluded that he probably has some other secluded favourite places where he takes himself and his thoughts.

I shall endeavour to realise these places around scenic Donegal settings.