CABINS entry by mypixels

This is a very loose concept sketch made with charcoal and stump, I like to work with this media in the early stages of design as it stimulates different parts of my creativity and makes me see things I would not have seen while working in 3D. Drawing the concept several times gets me closer to the proportions I want and lets me try out things until I achieve visual balance.
I am wanting the story to be a big part of this Challenge and thus will start with some keywords: Fire, sauna, canoe, beach, fishing, swimming, skiing, hunting, remote, owners hands on involvement in project.
The location is still not decided upon but I am thinking of northern Minnesota in the vicinity of Ely. My ideal site is a place accessible only through hiking, skiing, snowmobiling or canoeing, and thus creating a healthy challenge in the construction phase. I will go to sleep tonight with a wide grin thinking about traveling in a canoe on small lakes connected via portages to a sweet cabin.
I am looking forward to playing with all of you.