Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-25988898

So here is the progress I have made since the last update.
I changed the angle of the camera, as the previous angle seemed to me a little jammed and also I wanted to show more of what is going down the stairs.
Added some missing elements (sewage hatches, drains for water, chimneys, etc.), which in my opinion, greatly animated the picture.
I hope this update will give you more insight into which direction I’m moving, although there’s still a lot of work on materials, elements of the exterior and interior.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-25988898

Determining a mood and camera angle of future render is one of the most important things in a working process as it is actually effects the perception of the object, helps determine its meaning in the environment and the functions it performs.
Camera position. Since the main building does not include accents as such but it is a smooth metric structure I did not want to focus only on it, but rather interesting is the design decision on the placement of premises in the underground level where the staircase leads from the outside. I was convinced that I must include them in the overall composition, as they are quite intriguing element of the ensemble.
Mood and weather conditions. Were identified immediately and provoked by the weather outside the window. In addition, I have always been inspired by contrasts in photographs or renders. And what can contrast better than a cold twilight sky and a pleasant yellow light from the inside?
Materials. I have always admired the metal facades, which are later covered with rust as a way to visually connect a new structure with the existing environment, where the prevailing material is a brick. So now I have the opportunity to portray this rust in all its colors and gradients. Basically I’ll try to follow photos and add a minimum from myself.
Details. I sincerely believe that the details in the works help not only to achieve the realism of the picture but also make it more interesting. A boring wide wall or monotonous paving can always be diversified by a drain, especially if it really should be there. so I’m going to turn for help to Google Street View to see the building and find out which details I can add.