Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-15426746

Handcrafted the ground for grass and pathways with basic modeling tools. Added a bit of detail for fence with barb wire created using a wire generator script then randomly spread around the corner. Purposely, to cut off the horizon for me to save time from adding more assets behind. Its been great to see some updates from the rest too. Thats all for now everyone…Cheers

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-15426746

At last building is up! Using just basic and quick 3d modeling techniques, I did two module of the panels and duplicate/instance it around. My standard process of 3d modeling is not to collapse any modifiers as much as possible for me to have more flexibility to quickly edit in one go or work backward when necessary. I also prepare two materials with different ID’s. Then, I use RandomObjectSelection script from a quick way to select objects by percentage and apply the materials randomly to give a natural look and subtle effect. A time saver.

Next step will be on ground works…That’s it for now of my work in progress. Cheers everyone…

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-15426746

It would be fun and challenging to participate this challenge and learn new things as well. Just started gathering some references and preparing the concept. Today, I only manage to convert the plans for guide using simple script called image2Spline converter found at Hopefully, I would be able to continue the next day and slowly progress. Good luck to all the participants. Cheers…