Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-82056808

For the beginning I wanted a bright and sunny image, to show a normal Wednesday of work at mid morning. Tough Sweden is wrought with harsh winter weather and fogs most of the times, It does have It’s sunny days. I wished to show the curves of the terrace and the reflections as the curves of the building in this setup. Didn’t want anything extra-ordinary, just a normal picture taken by a normal person, which when viewed looks stunning to the beholder. I also didn’t want the Red corten material as it was too mainstream, I had chosen peachy color metal in the elementary test renders, and it looked so nice and appealing that i kept it throughout the final render. A busy moving street, a busy college, one a bright sunny day.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-82056808

From the beginning I had a vision of how the building would look. I wanted to go for a nice sunny day ( I know they are rare in Sweden) looking at the google street views, I saw nice bright sunny days. just had this one picture of the building which really helped me with the reflection on the glass. I tried many cameras for the final shot, but settled with this one. I have always made the main building stand alone, but this time i wanted it to be placed in such an image where it’s character could be compared to another building at close range. A sort of street view. To be honest I haven’t used any reference images for the shot besides the one I’m uploading.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-82056808

Hey, i know I’m a little late to submit the work process Phase! I have had this model since December 25th, but have not been able to work on it much as I had my Examinations through January. Once they were done I immediately set out to test the model, as I have had a lack of time, I couldn’t correct the flaws in the building, for eg. the model has a 3 paned window just above the main entrance, while in reality it’s a 2 paned window. But I’ll let it pass as I don’t have time. Moving towards the work process (the concept will come up anytime today after I’m done with college) I basically took the model, placed it, tried a few camera angles, chose one, did 5 unnecessary test render (procrastination) and then decided on a camera.

To start my tests, i just replaced the standard materials with a simple vray material. Made a simple, very simple, steely peach color for the building, I just did the peach because at that moment I wanted the building to stand out among the gray background, but as I progressed, the peach color looked really nice to me, though simple it had a certain rhythm and beauty to it. I have kept that texture throughout and will have it as the main color and look of the facade, with no changes, using it as it is from the initial test phase. That done,I moved to the paving, a simple paving texture, with vray displacement, The brick, a simple texture with vray displacement. As you can see my textures and work process is very simple, I don’t complicate things much unnecessarily, no slate material hoch-poch for me 🙂

For the lights, I used a Vray dome-HDRi and a Vray Sun to enhance the shadows and atmosphere. Vray plane lights for the interior lighting.

This is basically the overview of my work process.It is going o be super fun competing for tomorrow again, last year was fun, this year it’s a little tight, but still more fun. I have been away from Archviz for 8 months, and his is my comeback project. Getting an opportunity to render such buildings is a reward in itself, and a perfect push to start my rendering again. Looking forward to seeing more excellent stuff on the forum! I’ve said a lot of times but can’t say it enough, Ronen is the best! Kudos for this platform he built. I appreciate beyond expression.

Crowded Challenge entry by Mustafa Husainy

Hope I’m in time.
This was an excellent competition. Though animas view port was not so friendly, the use of the product is excellent! I mean such quick crowd generation?! and such light models with good textures. I would like to see more texture control and quality for closer shots. But superb experience with Anima!
All the best!
Mustafa Husainy.

Crowded Challenge entry by Mustafa Husainy

Well, hasn’t this challenge been rollercoaster ride for me. I have jumped between 4 Concepts! And the final concept wasn’t decided until 3 days ago.
Literally have worked day and night for this project to come to life. Thing is, i had lost hope for this challenge when my initial concepts failed. But, i did not want to go out without a fight, in that attitude i got Inspirations for the BBQ nights courtesy of 9Gag. And here i am, rushing to the deadline with my image rendering and post production still left.
Faced many challenges on this one, just until yesterday, my Image was rendering fine With LC, i was happy, But the today morning Light cache was taking forever to build after a few additions of the futons and fire place, even after removing the, LC wouldn’t render, Naturally without and time and choice left i turned to Brute Force as my secondary GI. Needless to say, render times were over the roof With LC with tests of 1500 rendering at 4 hours, Brute force was kicker to that, 68 days estimated render times! with only one row of prepassing done is 4 hours. I cut back a little on quality, reduced the pixels, and removed displacement :(. But that’s lifefor you. I am now on the way to submissions in a few hours. Wish me Luck and all the best out there!

P.S The LC issue as that it wasn’t being friendly on my displacement and that was the reason for the disability to even build light cache in let alone prepassing.
Until next time.
Mustafa Husainy.
Take care and all the best!

Crowded Challenge entry by Mustafa Husainy

The concept is to show a group of friends, enjoying a Bbq party on an NYC rooftop after a hard and rainy day of work. The rains have stopped and hot grilled meat with friends is the best way to take in the sweet smell of rain and enjoy the bustling city below.
I hope to reach the milestone in time though! much left to work on.
All the best out there for my fellow competitors!