The challenge of Tomorrow entry by

A quick overview of the future of Hudson Yards and NY, it will join in a better way with NJ transit, will have new bridges and tunnels.
There will be ilands on the river to be spots for air travelers, using single manned vehicles or multiple people flying taxis.
A fast train going from long island to NJ in 15minutes underground.
A new connection with the NYC Subway to NJ. More flying vehicles and big Corporate Buildings dominating the view. (the new AI system controls now everything, so its really easy to go to the doctor, check your car, etc… all in one NEXUS)

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by

So, in order to optimize time and not play around with 3d models too much I created a “levels map” where I am (based on my 3D idea) designing in 3D adding different levels but in a 2D plan, that was possible thanks to colors.
I will keep the bridge and tunnel to see in the future, if they can add more interest to the overall composition of the main image.
Water was added also to represent different types of entertaining places, it can be water but also can be holographic interactive things… I don’t know… let’s see what come to my mind during the process.

The challenge of Tomorrow entry by

An anlysis of the variables involved in this project.
This is a key location not only for the housing and commercial development of NY and the region, but also a transportation and traffic key point.
Based on the analysis and the current conditions of traffic and public transportation, I determined that a connexion between NJ and NY will be created there. The two most important ones will be a bridge, and the other one a tunnel.
There will also be several platforms for people using 1 to 6 passengers flying vehicles.
Housing is an issue in NY so if there is a solution it will be to increase the housing area, and there is nowhere to go than up, so more tall skyscrapers will be built.