Making of Aquarium of Canada

Continuing the exploration of NPR techniques of Architectural Visualization like Hybrid 2D/3D Digital Water Color Paintings, I bring you Scott Baumberger’s making of process of the main entrance to a large new aquarium in downtown Toronto, Canada. I’ve featured Scott’s work before in a roundup of several ‘Digital Watercolor’ breakdown videos he made that captivated my attention. Those, along with Les Chylinski’s 2D/3D Hybrid Workflow roundup and Jeremy Kay’s latest making of Urban Plaza and the feedback it got has led me to feature this article by Scott, a precursor of several more to come. Enjoy!

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3D Cloth Modeling with Marvelous Designer

Back in January I featured Ramon Zancanaro’s ‘Second Floor, Block 1…’ work featuring amazing 3d fabrics utilizing an application named Marvelous Designer. Ramon promised to come back and share his 3d Fabric / Cloth workflow using Marvelous Designer with us. It took some time, but today I’m happy to publish this article about how he used it to create various fabric elements in the scene you see in the image above. Enjoy!

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Making of Cluttered Reading Corner

August started with Peter Drew featuring his Cluttered Reading Corner scene on the forums, wining The Best of the Week with that image. What started as a clean scene to showcase furniture, turned into an eclectic collection of objects within a dark moody corner of a room… and how nice it did! There is so much more magic and feel to this image than a clean version of it could ever have. In this article Peter is sharing with us some of the highlights involved in the creation of this work. Enjoy!

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Making of ‘Memorial’ by Efim Armand

As promised, Efim Armand follows up on showcasing his latest work… ‘Memorial’, with a making-of article. What started as a testing ground for iToo’s Forest Pack plugin became a full-fledged project inspired by Efim’s visit to Berlin this Spring. Follow him as he describes the process that started from a simple Google Maps image all the way to the final animation.

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Making of Urban Plaza

I came to know Jeremy Kay and his work following a comment he made on the Hand Made by MATERICA D_SIGN post. I immediately liked his hybrid approach and style of visualization, using SketchUP as the modeling tool and then doing all the rest within Photoshop in a painterly kind of way. Visiting his portfolio I find that his images have a unique look and feel to them, and I asked him to share his process of creating one of them. You’ll find that this approach, done right, offers fast production times with a lot of flexibility and freedom in the creation process. You don’t even need much to start with to get a great result coming out, and you can easily develop a style of your own that will differentiate your visuals from all others out there.

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Making of Starbucks Coffee

Reinaldo Handaya got the Best of The Week award for his 3D recreation of Starbucks Coffee by Kengo Kuma. Since I liked both the original project and the remake I asked Reinaldo to share his workflow with us and he kindly agreed. Follow him as he describe the process from modeling, through texturing and lighting all the way to an important post-production stage as the base render is far from the end result as you will see. Enjoy! And ask away at the comment section in the end.

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