Today I’m sharing the remarkable bridge like JG House in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Designed by MPGAA to blend with its surroundings with what I define as ‘earthy’ aesthetics using materials such as concrete, wood and dark steel. Amazing location and great light in this photo set taken by photographer Leonardo Finotti.
Winner Announced: Design Connected Giveaway
The 1st 2014 blog birthday giveaway is here! Design Connected will give one of you lucky followers a chance to pick 15 models from their 4450 strong collection any model you like. You will also have the chance to win 15 more great 3d models by sending a 3d render/s you made using one of their freely or commercially available models.
Happy Blog 5th Birthday!
1. 2.. 3… 4…. 5! Five years ago today I sat in-front of a blank white screen and wrote A blog is born.
Making of Favela
Matthias Buehler approached me not long ago, sharing his personal project ‘Favela’ which immediately got me curious. Knowing Matthias works at ESRI as 3d Product Engineer involved with the CityEngine project I knew that some cool stuff are going on behind the scenes and I was eager to learn more about it. In this article, Matthias describes the rather ‘techy’ process of the procedural generated creation he and his friend Cyrill Oberhaensli went through over a span of 2.5 years working on it in their spare time. Enjoy!
RailClone for Creating Number Sequences
iToo Software has released another episode of RailClone Tips & Tricks tutorials. In this 5 minute video they demonstrate two different ways to create sequences of numbers.
Forest Pack Texture Distribution HOW-TO by Grant Warwick
Lee Griggs Amazing 3d Maps Created with Maya XGen and a Single Primitive post I published a few days ago captured a great deal of attention by many of you, more specifically about using Forest Pack + V-Ray for creating the same impressive visuals. Grant Warwick, whom you all know by now (and if not – you should!), shows how-to use Forest Pack to do just that – Van Gogh Style! Enjoy!