3D Modelling the DoubleTree Venice North Hotel

I remember seeing this iToo Software presentation during State of Art Academy Ad#5. It was pretty cool seeing them building the hotel in which the event took place! That simple twist to the exercise emphasized to all of us there that the ability to see parametric objects all around us can be developed by anyone if he only observes. Today, this scene along with a detailed how-to is being released so those who weren’t able to attend can benefit from it too. Enjoy!

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Tomorrow 2017 Challenge

A new and exciting challenge is about to begin! Tomorrow is looking for the next star for their Stockholm office, and we decided to go about this differently. A Challenge was born, awarding the best submission with 2000 Euro cash prize and a well-paid full-time position at Tomorrow with benefits such as social welfare, exercise bonus, field-trips and most of all become a proud Tomorrow team member.

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massit – From ArchVIZ to Interactive Media

When first seeing massit, (in a video. did not take it for a VR spin yet) it reminded me of SketchUp a lot! The “back to basics” approach Mischa Winkler adopted is something I relate to and one that seems to have paved the path for massit as it is now. Not sure yet what this could bring to the table, but if you are a designer and you have access to an HTC Vive – Read this case study by Mischa, and take massit for a spin! then come back here a tell us what it is like for you.

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