Winner Announced : Tomorrow 2017 Challenge

The Tomorrow 2017 Challenge comes to a conclusion today with the announcement of the Winner and Runner Up, both being hired and becoming part of the Tomorrow team in Stockholm. Thank you, we were extremely impressed to see all the hard work, the talent, and dedication that you put into this challenge. Now let’s make room for the winners!

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People in Motion

People in motion add a unique and vivid atmosphere to any 3d rendered animation. However, one must get the hang of it before doing so and pulling it off nicely! Even tough we can easily get realistic high poly scanned 3D people on the market, who look pretty realistic when standing still, making them move is a tricky business. We’re so used to natural human movements that our eyes detect the slightest misplaced move in an instant. Follow Dorka Somlói from ZOA as she describes their method for this. Enjoy!

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