Creating VRay for SketchUP Vermont Verde Antique Marble Material

ASGVIS 3D Artist and Trainer, Fernando Rentas, created the Vermont Verde Antique material in V-Ray for SketchUP Using basic material creation techniques as explained in the featured video tutorial “Creating Vermont Verde Antique”. Fernando was able to match the rich green color and unique light green and white veins by looking at a small sample of the marble. Check out the video below, it is very informative and the result is remarkably good.

Read more DesignConnected Birthday Giveaway

Winner Announced: DesignConnected Giveaway

Last of the giveaways is here! DesignConnected will give one of you lucky followers their chance to pick 15 models from their big collection… any model you like. You will also have the chance to win 15 more great 3d models by sending a 3d render you made using one of their freely available models and the ones from the latest 13 free models posted here.

First Part Winner Announced

Congratulations to Pixel

You are the lucky winner and will be able to select 15 models from DesignConnected’s catalog.

All of you still have a running chance in the second part of this giveaway. Sending in your renders showcasing DesignConnected’s free items until August 31 September 15th. The best image will grant it’s maker the same choice of picking 15 models.

Have fun!

Second Part Winner Announced

Congratulations to Joao Elias

Your image was selected as best among those submitted showcasing DesignConnected free items and you win 15 models of your choosing from the DesignConnected catalog 🙂

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mindmeister giveaway

Winners Announced: MindMeister Giveaway

The second of the blog’s birthday giveaways is here! I’ll be giving away 2 months of free premium MindMeister account to 5 of you. I use this great online app all the time for work and personal stuff and hope you will like it like I do.

Giveaway Closed

Well, this giveaway is closed and the winners are well known… all 3 of them 🙂

Congratulations to Keebler, Ariano & Mario Rocha. You will get the account codes via your email.

I guess this type of giveaway is less popular. Next is the DesignConnected Giveaway of 3d models from their collection. It will be posted in a day or two.

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