XFrogPlants Asia Released
XFrog Inc. the makers of XFrogPlants, and CityLIFE sponsor, added a new collection of 180 models from Asia. The new library includes 20 species, each with nine 3D models of the plant in different ages and sizes for a total of 180 highly detailed, fully textured new models. This set of nine botanically correct ages and variations are modeled by hand, not randomly produced, to give maximum variety for instancing the models across a virtual terrain.
The 3rd Architectural Visualization Challenge Begins
The long-awaited architectural visualization challenge No. 03 is here at last boasting a brand new website with an exciting and challenging theme – CityLIFE! This time you are tasked to explore one of the most complex and vast subject matter in Architectural Visualization, our urban way of living. Visit the new challenges main site to get started with your journey on this one. You will find all the challenge related information over there and keep on reading here to find out more about that site, how it came to be and and introduction to using it.
CGAxis Submitted Image Winners
Congratulations to winners of the second stage of the CGAxis giveaway! During the month of August I held that giveaway and the first winner was randomly selected from all who commented in the original CGAxis giveaway post. Kostas, Leelou and Alex submitted the best images showcasing CGAxis 3d models. Big thanks to CGAxis for sponsoring this giveaway and to all who took part in it… see you in the next one!
Carapicuiba House by SandroS
SandroS posted on the forums one of the best set of Thea Render images I’ve seen for some time now. They were made in a 3d personal recreation project of Carapicuiba House by Angelo Bucci & Alvaro Puntoni. The house was modeled in modo. All the foliage used in this scene is from the 130 Free XFrogPlants posted a few months back in the freebies section, and HDR image based lighting done mostly with the 10 Free HDRi Spherical Skies Maps by VizPeople.
model+model Submitted Image Winner / Andreas Hummel
Congratulations to Andreas Hummel for winning the second stage of the model+model giveaway! During the month of August I held that giveaway and the first winner was randomly selected from all who commented in the original model+model giveaway post. Andreas’s old style photo look and focus on the models awarded him with a model+model Volume of his choice. Big thanks to model+model for sponsoring this giveaway and to all who took part in it… see you in the next one!
Dune Apartments by Jakub Gramczynski
Here’s a selection of images Jakub Gramczynski showcased on the forums that were made while working at Mellon Architekci architectural office. They both served as a design tool for checking if the project is heading the right way and as a marketing tool too in the promotional project website and print. Jakub also made several video recordings of his process to share with you all.