A Concrete Cube House by Studio MK27

I love concrete! Why bother covering it up when done right it looks so good and ages so nicely. I guess it is an acquired taste. Living in a place with so many brutalist architecture examples around, adding the fact I used to shadow my civil engineer father on his site rounds and it is pretty obvious how it entered my system. I’ll start the week by showcasing the Cube House by Marcio Kogan as photographed by Fernando Guerra… both of which I admire and follow pretty closely. From the various methods of casting concrete, the wood planks cast used here is what I love the most. It feels more natural and works very well with the landscaping. There are some pretty amazing shots here.

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Making of House in Giannitsa

Vasilis Koutlis from studio xDream3D, recently shared on the forums their work on the Giannitsa House Interiors which I really liked – specifically, the one shown up above for the composition, material work and lighting. I asked Vasilis to share with us some insight about the process of making this scene and this making of was born. Enjoy!

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Hurst House by John Pardey Architects + Ström Architects

The Hurst House by John Pardey Architects + Ström Architects is simple, clean and beautiful. That hovering box thing has been done and redone so many times, but I like it – it works… and looks great at night (if you’re not too shy)! This set of photos is great reference for stone and wood facade cladding and as it happens – this house has severed as inspiration for the BEST Visualization of WEEK No. 17 by lichtecht, who offered it in concrete.

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XfrogPlants April (and May) Sale

You can never have enough 3d trees & plants. Keeping your scenes greenies nice and fresh is important, so here’s a little heads up – April is almost up and you have 1-2 days left due to my previous heads up, demand was such Xfrog granted an extra full month to take advantage of the 50% discount on all Xfrog’s products. XfrogPlants are realistic, highly detailed, fully textured 3D trees, shrubs, and flowers, carefully modeled with the Xfrog procedural software. You have 600 species available in libraries or as individual species… just have your pick.

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