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Edna Mickelly

Studio Edna - CGI Real estate & Architecture









We help you develop your image to convince your prospects and customers during sales in the field of real estate. Our team can also support your architectural firm in the design stages. A travers ces 10 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de la "3D", je peux aujourd'hui vous apporter l'expertise nécéssaire à la création de vos contenus numériques en 3D (Images, Film, application interactive). Notre Studio est d'ailleurs spécialisé dans la production de contenu Digital pour le domaine de l'Architecture et la promotion immobilière. Voulez-vous réellement impressionné votre audience avec des visuels dignes des grands promoteurs? Alors contactez-nous! Email : contact@studioedna.com

My Top Software


CG Interior - House cellar

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

CG render - Made by Studio Edna

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CG Interior - Fireplace

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

Studio Edna offers quality service to interior design and real estate agencies.

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CG Interior - Villa Ridgeview Country Estates

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

Delivered render for a renovation project in Ridgeview Country Estates - Los Angeles, California 90272

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Studio Edna - CG - Indian Ocean Resort

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

images produced as part of an architectural competition.

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Minimalism interior design - Bathroom 2

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling and rendering.

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Minimalism interior design - Bathroom

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling and rendering.

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Minimalism interior design

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling and rendering.

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CG Interior - House cellar

CG render - Made by Studio Edna



CG Interior - Fireplace

Studio Edna offers quality service to interior design and real estate agencies.



CG Interior - Villa Ridgeview Country Estates

Delivered render for a renovation project in Ridgeview Country Estates - Los Angeles, California...



Studio Edna - CG - Indian Ocean Resort

images produced as part of an architectural competition.



Minimalism interior design - Bathroom 2

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling...



Minimalism interior design - Bathroom

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling...



Minimalism interior design

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling...

CG Interior - House cellar

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

Tout le monde recherche le succès, et ce, qu’elle qu’en soit la forme.
Décider de collaborer avec nous, c’est partager vos impondérables et divisé votre charge de travail.
Une société Malgache comme la nôtre, c’est aussi une machine à optimisme où la rigueur joue un rôle de pilier.

Nous nous proposons à être vos alliés vers votre “Succès”, en défendant votre image et en participant activement à augmenter la valeur ajoutée de votre service.
Voulez-vous vous décharger d’une partie de votre planning?
Être concurrentiel, c’est votre devise?

Nous sommes à votre portée : www.studioedna.com
Contact direct : mickelly@studioedna.com

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Antananarivo

CG Interior - Fireplace

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

Studio Edna offers quality service to interior design and real estate agencies.

Do you want to deliver on time, and ensure the quality of your images?

To find out more, visit our website: www.studioedna.com
or send us an email to: contact@studioedna.com

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Antananarivo

CG Interior - Villa Ridgeview Country Estates

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

Delivered render for a renovation project in Ridgeview Country Estates – Los Angeles, California 90272.

Rendered with 3dsmax & V-ray, let us know what you think about it.
There is more to come, stay tuned.

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Ridgeview Country Estates - Los Angeles, California 90272

Studio Edna - CG - Indian Ocean Resort

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

Always looking for the best of ourselves, the Studio Edna works days and nights to bring satisfaction to its customers.

the “Indian Ocean Resort” project was born out of a simple idea, we produced the images from sketches and this allowed the client to present on a whole new scale.

There is no longer any question of the project being validated, it already lives through these images.

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Isalo

Minimalism interior design - Bathroom 2

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

This year we are promoting our BPO services for modeling and rendering at the Studio Edna, so if you are interesting by hire our team, please contact us at : contact@studioedna.com

Follow us on instagram and linkedin!

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Antananarivo

Minimalism interior design - Bathroom

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

We decided to try to create this simple interior design with the minimum of furniture, and put all the effort on the composition and the material works.

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Antananarivo

Minimalism interior design

Edna Mickelly

October 16, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Edna Mickelly

We designed this set of images to enlarge our portfolio and promote our BPO services for modeling and rendering.

We decided to try to create this simple interior design with the minimum of furniture, and put all the effort on the composition and the material works.

This year we are promoting our BPO services for modeling and rendering at the Studio Edna, so if you are interesting by hire our team, please contact us at : contact@studioedna.com

Follow us on instagram and linkedin!

Studio: Studio Edna
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Antananarivo

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