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Marcus Büttner








My Top Software

Corona Renderer

Rathenau Hallen

January 9, 2019 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer / by Marcus Büttner

Visualizations of for Rathenau halls in Berlin

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GIRA Switches Visuals

January 9, 2019 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Marcus Büttner

GIRA Switches Visuals

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Ahornallee 39a - Berlin

January 9, 2019 / in Corona Renderer / by Marcus Büttner

Interior Visuals for the Ahornallee 39a-Project in Berlin

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Rathenau Hallen

Marcus Büttner

January 9, 2019 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer / by Marcus Büttner

The old Rathenau halls in Berlin from 1920 will get a new use. We were asked to visualize the new concept for this amazing scenery. The goal was to show the size of the area and the different usage possibilities.

Studio: The Subdivision
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Berlin

GIRA Switches Visuals

Marcus Büttner

January 9, 2019 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Marcus Büttner

A series of visuals for Gira. Showcasing their latest building control systems and switches in cgi environments.

The goal was to create these visuals full cgi environment without any post production to easily change camera positions. And also to have the ability to quickly do animations out of it.

Studio: The Subdivision
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Berlin

Ahornallee 39a - Berlin

Marcus Büttner

January 9, 2019 / in Corona Renderer / by Marcus Büttner

Interior Visuals of an upcoming renovation of an old factory building in the outskirts of Berlin.

Studio: The Subdivision
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Berlin

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