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Llewellyn Thomas

Landscape architect








Landscape architect and beginner CGI artist. Most of the creative drive from my work derives itself from nature and the experience of being immersed within it.

My Top Software

Corona Renderer
Forest Pack

Nairobi - Luxury villa

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

A re-visit of an old project that needed some updates.

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Architecture as art - Le Corbusier - Villa Savoye

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack / by Llewellyn Thomas

A project close to my heart - For me, the epitome of good design, and the beauty in simplicity.

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Altered Carbon - Hurry up season 2!

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

Just a little fan art from Altered Carbon I've been working on.

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Architecture as art

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

A remake of Luis Barrgan's iconic Casa Giraldi (1977) in Mexico - A project and designer that has long been a pivotal reference for my own design work.

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A Bright future

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

Another bladerunner/ energy systems inspired image

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April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

I've always been fascinated with the machines that bring us our energy, and how they are always juxtaposed by pure natural space. They remind me of lone sentinels guarding the landscape...

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Cabin by the sea

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, laubwerk-plant-kits, SketchUp / by Llewellyn Thomas

One of the stills from my cabins submission

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Nairobi - Luxury villa

A re-visit of an old project that needed some updates.



Architecture as art - Le Corbusier - Villa Savoye

A project close to my heart - For me, the epitome of good design, and the beauty in simplicity.



Altered Carbon - Hurry up season 2!

Just a little fan art from Altered Carbon I've been working on.



Architecture as art

A remake of Luis Barrgan's iconic Casa Giraldi (1977) in Mexico - A project and designer that has...



A Bright future

Another bladerunner/ energy systems inspired image




I've always been fascinated with the machines that bring us our energy, and how they are always...



Cabin by the sea

One of the stills from my cabins submission

Nairobi - Luxury villa

Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

First time trying out Phoenix FD by chaos group. Used this for all the water, and love it. really awesome software.

The mood reference for this image was Hunter house by Henry Goss

Studio: Vlvisualsation
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: brighton

Architecture as art - Le Corbusier - Villa Savoye

Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack / by Llewellyn Thomas

The only challenge I set myself on this project was to go as photo real as I could, and create a believable image. First time using Forestpack on this one, it’s great, and pretty easy to use. Really enjoyed this project and will be doing the interiors next.

Studio: Vlvisualsation
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Poissy

Altered Carbon - Hurry up season 2!

Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

I’ve always loved the vibe and world in Altered carbon, and with season 2 coming out I thought I’d re-watch season 1 and try and create something cool. I thought it’d serve as good practice in 3ds with some of the more complex objects and lighting needed.

Studio: Vlvisualsation
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Harlans world (I think?)

Architecture as art

Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

An exploration of light and dark, and a celebration of the beauty of simplicity.
I am fascinated with architecture in it’s purest form. To me, there is nothing more beautiful than a minimal but balanced composition. This remake of Luis Barrgan’s famous ‘Casa Giraldi’ (1977) House design gave me the opportunity to really focus on light and dark, contrast, colour and saturation, and to delve into some of Corona’s more detailed settings in terms of lighting, render settings and materials.

Studio: Vlvisualsation
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Mexico

A Bright future

Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

I’ve recently been exploring the machines that bring us energy, and how they are all quite alien structures and are always juxtaposed with the very natural and open landscape that they sit within. I’ve always thought they’d look more at home in the future,so I’ve been putting them there, just for fun.

Studio: Vlvisualsation
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Earth 2049


Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Llewellyn Thomas

This was all made in 3ds max from scratch (apart from vegetation). I’m currently in the process of developing 3ds max modelling and corona rendering skills and building up my portfolio ready for next year.

This image is all about exploring energy systems. I wanted to convey their giant imposing nature, but also they’re oddly futuristic yet industrial vibe. I used cinematography from blade runner and a lot of real world photography as references for this, I wanted the image to be at home both in the present day, but also straight out of a post apocalyptic future universe, I think it works, do you?

Studio: Vlvisualsation
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Earth 2019 - or 2049, who knows?

Cabin by the sea

Llewellyn Thomas

April 13, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, laubwerk-plant-kits, SketchUp / by Llewellyn Thomas

Currently working through my cabins submission and thought I’d upload something to the showcase. This is definitely not a finished piece but I thought it was interesting. Would love to hear all your feedback on this!

Studio: CastleintheSky
Personal/Commissioned: Personal

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