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Stefan Lopusny








My Top Software

Forest Pack
After Effects

Casa Cook - El Gouna

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, Lightroom, RailClone, V-Ray, ZBrush / by Stefan Lopusny

Marketing images created to promote the new destination of Casa Cook Hotels in El Gouna

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Mea Terra

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, After Effects, Forest Pack, GrowFX, Photoshop, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

Mediterranean beach bar experience

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Casa Cook Chania

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

A hospitality project for Casa Cook Hotels in beautiful Chania, Greece. Tackling the desired materiality and the feeling of the design and summer vibe were interesting challenges. We tried to maintain the mood and look of the hotel brand, the high contrast and the earthy tones that underline the design direction.

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September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

A film made to explore what can be done with a element of unexpected.

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In circles

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

Short film created as personal project to explore possibilities in archviz animation.

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Ash images

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

Images prepared to promote a apartment house in CY

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Concert Hall in Mountains of Troodos

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, anima, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

Images created for private competition for a concert hall in Cyprus

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Ash residence

September 7, 2017 / in SketchUp / by Stefan Lopusny

Images created for Ash residences located in Limassol Cyprus.

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"in circles"

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

"In circles" was created as in-house project, blending Scandinavian style and brands with traditional toy spinning top, known all across the planet.

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Casa Cook - El Gouna

Marketing images created to promote the new destination of Casa Cook Hotels in El Gouna



Mea Terra

Mediterranean beach bar experience



Casa Cook Chania

A hospitality project for Casa Cook Hotels in beautiful Chania, Greece. Tackling the desired...




A film made to explore what can be done with a element of unexpected.



In circles

Short film created as personal project to explore possibilities in archviz animation.



Ash images

Images prepared to promote a apartment house in CY



Concert Hall in Mountains of Troodos

Images created for private competition for a concert hall in Cyprus



Ash residence

Images created for Ash residences located in Limassol Cyprus.



"in circles"

"In circles" was created as in-house project, blending Scandinavian style and brands with...

Casa Cook - El Gouna

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, Lightroom, RailClone, V-Ray, ZBrush / by Stefan Lopusny

At Fat Tony studio we have been creating and maintaining the marketing content for Casa Cook Hotels little over a year now. Main challenge that we faced was to keep the execution of the quality on the same level, and always deliver recognizable Casa Cook style.

Before the opening of Casa Cook – El Gouna we were tasked to capture and present the design, vibe and mood of the destination. This included creating a visual presentation that will be unique to the location, but simultaneously fit in Casa Cook signature design.
Ground colors, soft natural materials, light versus shadow, wind and sand. These were all the elements that we took under the consideration and we brought them together to convincingly capture the uniqueness of this Red Sea location.

Full project in high-res : https://bit.ly/39MNwEX

Thank you for watching !

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: El Gouna

Mea Terra

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, After Effects, Forest Pack, GrowFX, Photoshop, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

We at FT studio were assigned to make a presentation of newly opening beach bar in Lachania area of Rhodes island.

The venue has bar, restaurant, “secret garden” for wedding events and of course a beach lounge.

Our proposal and goal was to show the project in various Mediterranean vibes.
From the typical day white-washing sunlight, through pinkish sunset colors all the way to blue-casting sky in the evening.

We tried to compromise as little as possible, so most of the assets are made by us, and materials are combination of all possible sources.

Let us know how we did, and how you find the project 🙂

Full project and full resolutions :

Thanks for watching !

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Rhodes, Lachania

Casa Cook Chania

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

Working on this project has been very exciting. Tackling the desired materiality and the feeling of the design/summer vibe were interesting challenges.
We tried to maintain the mood and look of the hotel brand, the high contrast and the earthy tones that underline also the design direction.

Now we can’t wait for summer 🙂

Studio: Fat Tony Studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned


Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

The reason why this video was created, is simply because we have put extra effort already on top of one of our commissioned projects, and I thought it had a good base for some even more. But once again the aim was to create some bit funny to work with, entertaining to watch and mainly to maintain the interest through-out whole animation. How I did you can judge for yourselves, but mainly I hope you will enjoy!

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Personal

In circles

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

“in circles” was a personal project of mine, where i tried to focus on the “extraordinary” part in the film, rather then perfect visual. Of course everyone is aiming for best visual result, but sometimes archviz film are lacking spirit, and this is what i tried to achieve with this animation.

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Personal

Ash images

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

Project “Ash” required 15 images, from exteriors, roof garden with the pool, to interiors and couple vignettes. We took the project after finishing commissioned part and worked on it a bit longer, the result you can see here.

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned

Concert Hall in Mountains of Troodos

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, anima, Forest Pack, GrowFX, RailClone, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

This set of images was prepared for a closed competition for new Concert hall in Mountains of Troodos, Cyprus, that will serve as extension for music school.​​​​​​​
Main idea behind the design was to blend seamlessly with the mountain’s structure and offer new gathering space, as well as volume for the hall itself.
Biggest task for us to solve was surely to find views that will showcase the strong points of the design, but at the same time make the building readable. The flow of the public spaces is quite unique so we were bringing focus to most important features.

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned

Ash residence

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in SketchUp / by Stefan Lopusny

We have recently finished set of images for marketing purposes for our Cypriot client, and decided to pick couple of them and adjust these more to our personal preference. We have tried to create believable mediterranean feel in the images, specially in the day ones. This type of light is always challenging, but this is why we tried it, to have also a little practice and reach out from comfort zone.
Would be nice to hear some feedback 🙂

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Limassol

"in circles"

Stefan Lopusny

September 7, 2017 / in 3dsmax, V-Ray / by Stefan Lopusny

This project started as in-house exploration what we can do with interior animation. Since there was no specific goal, it took some time to put ideas and skills into balance, and reach the point where we can produce exactly what we have in mind.
As any other project done without commission and deadline, it is very easy to fall into trap of creating many options, variation, to change your minds 7856 times, but we have decided that this is good closing point for this one.
The main idea was to create an interior presentation, with that extra touch, to go bit deeper. It resulted in the blend of interior design strongly inspired by Nordic brands and designers and smooth, sometimes unexpected movement of spinning tops.
In order to push out limits and learn something new on this project, many simulation were made for the “spinners”, as well as trying to optimize pipeline for animation and actual render production.
Hope you will find something interesting in this video, and if not, we will try to wow you with the next one piss
rendered in V-Ray Chaos Group 3.4 version (CPU)
some models used from DesignConnected and 3ds sky
fabrics done in marvelous designer
scene and modeling done in 3ds max

Studio: Fat Tony studio
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: no specific location

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