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My Top Software

Corona Renderer
After Effects

Maersk Tower

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, After Effects, anima, Corona Renderer, GrowFX, MultiScatter, RailClone / by Szymon Biegaj

The "Maersk Tower" is a non-commercial project created in free time over the last year. Software Used: 3ds max, Corona, After Effects, Megascans, GrowFx, Anima

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Rainfall House

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, MultiScatter, Photoshop / by Szymon Biegaj

Rainfall House is a commercial project created in cooperation with the design studio "DG Architekci" Software Used: 3ds max, Corona renderer, Adobe Photoshop, Quixel megascans

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Black & Green House

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, MultiScatter / by Szymon Biegaj

"Black and Green House" is a non-commercial project based on previous visualizations. The programs used: 3dsmax, corona renderer, adobe photoshop, quixel megascans, quixel mixer

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Forest Residence

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Szymon Biegaj

Residential building located on forest hill in Poland. Forest residence projects was made for DG Architects studio. It was a special pleasure for us to work on a climatic, forest environment, which is a rarity among commercial projects. Hope you like it.

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July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Szymon Biegaj

Set of winter images based on one of my old commecial projects. Software used: 3ds Max, Corona, photoshop, agisoft photoscan, speedtree

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Maersk Tower

The "Maersk Tower" is a non-commercial project created in free time over the last year. Software...



Rainfall House

Rainfall House is a commercial project created in cooperation with the design studio "DG Architekci"...



Black & Green House

"Black and Green House" is a non-commercial project based on previous visualizations. The programs...



Forest Residence

Residential building located on forest hill in Poland. Forest residence projects was made for DG...




Set of winter images based on one of my old commecial projects. Software used: 3ds Max, Corona,...

Maersk Tower

Szymon Biegaj

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, After Effects, anima, Corona Renderer, GrowFX, MultiScatter, RailClone / by Szymon Biegaj

The “Maersk Tower” is a non-commercial project created in free time over the last year.
Looking for a suitable topic for realization, our attention was drawn to the Maersk Tower building located in Copenhagen.
It is distinguished by its unique architectural form and interesting texture created by façade panels.
It also has exceptionally well-designed landscape elements connecting the building itself with the surrounding terrain.
The unique architectural design has allowed us to find a lot of very attractive frames, which have become the basis for our animation.

From a technical point of view, the main goal of the project was to use the Corona as the main rendering engine and to achieve a quality similar to static visualizations.

In the project we used two lighting options.The first one using the HDR lighting method and the second hybrid model introducing additional Corona Sun.

In the animation we used great music composed by Ian Post and available on artlist.io

Studio: Outrun Studio
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Copenhagen

Rainfall House

Szymon Biegaj

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, MultiScatter, Photoshop / by Szymon Biegaj

Rainfall House is a commercial project created in cooperation with the design studio “DG Architekci” The location of the building allowed us to obtain a unique climate of the rainy countryside. In the project we used different lighting variants for different types of shots in order to show each picture in the most beneficial way. The subdued color palette allows the recipient to better focus on the reception of the architecture itself. To make the images we used programs : 3ds max, corona renderer, adobe photoshop. A library of quixel megascans models was also a great help for us.

Studio: Outrun Studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Poland, Gdynia

Black & Green House

Szymon Biegaj

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, MultiScatter / by Szymon Biegaj

“Black and Green House” is a non-commercial project based on previous visualizations. The project uses a colour palette limited to three main colours: black, white and green. The application of this approach allowed to obtain a coherent character of all the images. One of the objectives of the project was to combine modern design with more classical elements, or even antiquities. The realization of this objective turned out to be easy thanks to the use of Quixel Megascans library. In our opinion, the more characteristic element of the project is a wall mosaic placed opposite the window. The mosaic was made with surprising ease thanks to the use of quixel mixer tool.

The programs used: 3dsmax, corona renderer, adobe photoshop, quixel megascans, quixel mixer

Studio: Outrun Studio
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Germany, Wandlitz

Forest Residence

Szymon Biegaj

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Szymon Biegaj

Residential building located on forest hill in Poland.
Forest residence projects was made for DG Architects studio.
It was a special pleasure for us to work on a climatic, forest environment, which is a rarity among commercial projects.

Hope you like it.

3d software used: 3dsmax
rendering: Corona
postproduction: Photoshop

Studio: Outrun Studio
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Poland


Szymon Biegaj

July 31, 2020 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by Szymon Biegaj

Whole set of 19 images was created in free time between commercial projects.
Its hard to estimate full work time, but it I started working on this about one year ago.

Every object in the scene is made with actual 3d geometry. There are few photoscanned assets created from scratch for this projects. I also used some assets I found online.
Most difficult asset to create was snowy tree visible in few images. Trunk model is photoscanned object I created a while ago as a side project. I decided to use it here with branches added in speedtree.
You can find tree asset for download on my behance project page.

Most important aspect for me was picking right lighting conditions for every image. I mostly used hdr mages sometimes mixed with corona sun.

Studio: Outrun Studio
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Gdańsk

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