Forest House
This project showcases the siding panels product of our client, the VOX company, being used on the elevations of a modern house. The project goal was to create a unique atmosphere for the house, inviting you in and allowing to cut off from everyday life in the city.
Read more →Private villa
This is a project for a private villa in USA. Designers asked us to focus on light and outstanding environment around this private house.
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Forest House
This project showcases the siding panels product of our client, the VOX company, being used on the...
Winter in NY
Winter in NY
Making of "Villa in a Forest"
Private villa
This is a project for a private villa in USA. Designers asked us to focus on light and outstanding...
Lost in vegetation
This is an extra image done for a recent project.
Forest House
Alberto Cibinetto
May 17, 2018 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer / by Alberto CibinettoProject is showing siding panels of our client- VOX company, as a elevation of a modern house.
Project goal was to create the unique in atmosphere house. Inviting You in and allowing to cut off from everyday life in the city.
Studio: Orangegraphics
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned
Winter in NY
Alberto Cibinetto
May 17, 2018 / in cinema-4d, laubwerk-plant-kits, V-Ray / by Alberto CibinettoWe would like to reproduce one of our favourite building by Mies van der Rohe.
We try to make as much as we can with 3d starting from environment to all the details.
Studio: Baumatte
Personal/Commissioned: Personal
Private villa
Alberto Cibinetto
May 17, 2018 / in Cinema4D, Photoshop, V-Ray / by Alberto CibinettoWas simply amazing to work on this project.
One important aspect was the environment outside the house. We use SurfaceSpread in order to manage tons of clones.
We split up tall trees and low plants for each camera.
Studio: Baumatte
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Freeland
Lost in vegetation
Alberto Cibinetto
May 17, 2018 / in Cinema4D, V-Ray / by Alberto CibinettoThis is a project of a house surrounded by nature.
Biggest challenge was to work deep on vegetation and environment.
We love to use SurfaceSpread for a full 3d scene in order to have tons of clones.
Studio: Baumatte
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Bixby
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